MY Overland Expedition Adventure Camper Trailer Design


OK, I'll take the Expo white one.

I hadn't seen the Explorer trailers before. Very cool. I like several of the Aussie designs. We just need them here. I do have a concern about the outdoor cooking. I know, it's camping, but them 'skeeters down on the TX coast are WICKED. Standing there cooking outside has got to suck. A screen room seems mandatory. Very doable, but mandatory. Am I being a girl?


toyotatruckjunkie said:
OK, I'll take the Expo white one.

I hadn't seen the Explorer trailers before. Very cool. I like several of the Aussie designs. We just need them here. I do have a concern about the outdoor cooking. I know, it's camping, but them 'skeeters down on the TX coast are WICKED. Standing there cooking outside has got to suck. A screen room seems mandatory. Very doable, but mandatory. Am I being a girl?

No, I don't think you are being a girl at all...old man maybe, but not a girl. :)

Cooking outside just simplifies the design tremendously. Also, cooking in one of these super small campers may really not be as exciting as you think. With the condensation, smoke, smell, etc. Awning/screen room is very doable.

If I were to allow the dimensions to grow, I could fit all kinds of stuff in this one. But I was trying to keep it narrow for tracking behind a 4runner as well as I could.
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I don't recall who is/are the mfr/s and I really don't think they are US approved. The beige camper has the Rover wheels on it, so it must be of an English settlement. I really think these are from South America mfrs.
Sorry I can't be more helpful than that.

I can understand the minimum/maximum width as I have similar requirements for storing.

Gate post to post is 78". There is an ac unit just inside the house post.

I have a plan for extending the sleep area. With the angled pop top, make it rotate all the way over when you need another or 2 sleeping space. This idea comes from the Flip-Pac design. Use the tilt for standing room and then extend another subframe which holds a bed. That way, you can have the pop top short of the full length of the roof. The full flip would use the top of the camper as a base support and if necessary, add supporting bars to the tongue. If another bed is needed, add a platform where you stand. It doesn't need to be wider than 35" so there will still be some standing room. Several Flippac owners have done this with a cot setup.
If you plan to place an awning and side panels on the exterior, why not look at adding sliders to those cabinets which have access from the outside. Slide the cabinet outward like a slide-out. This provides much more interior room and the cabinet is still weather protected. You can add rubber trim to keep insulate and keep the bugs out when its opened. Add a small doorway to the cabinet to gain access from the inside as well.
To maintain trailer stability when camping, add rigid stands right behind the tires like in the link from pcambell.


Nice design and great demonstration of Sketchup.

I've been considering building something very similar, built around a truck tonneau cover. Rather than an angled popup, I'm planning to pop up the the entire cover about 3ft. Also toying with the idea of putting the door in the front on the tongue.

I've downloaded sketchup and have found it very easy to use. Thanks for the tip.


Any update on this design? It's one of my favorite concepts and I'd love to hear if it's actually made it into the makin-sparks-n-sawdust stage.

-Erik M.


Unfortunately, nothing worth speaking of yet. I got bogged down over the last 6 months on too many projects that took WAY too long. Did an SAS on my 1st gen 4runner that should have only taken 2 months...took 6...then I sold it. After spending too much time and money on that, my wife called "enough!" and reminded me just how far behind on house renovation projects I am...far enough that I don't want to talk about it. Just picked up an '01 Landcruiser and spent 3 times as long as I expected to get the PMs done. Then there is the need to get my 3rd gen 4runner set up for some expo work.....blah blah...blah

Anyway, enough excuses. I've actually modified the design some and hope to begin something soon. It may take on a couple of prototype iterations actually....

I promise more soon!


Unfortunately, nothing worth speaking of yet. I got bogged down over the last 6 months on too many projects that took WAY too long. Did an SAS on my 1st gen 4runner that should have only taken 2 months...took 6...then I sold it. After spending too much time and money on that, my wife called "enough!" and reminded me just how far behind on house renovation projects I am...far enough that I don't want to talk about it. Just picked up an '01 Landcruiser and spent 3 times as long as I expected to get the PMs done. Then there is the need to get my 3rd gen 4runner set up for some expo work.....blah blah...blah

Anyway, enough excuses. I've actually modified the design some and hope to begin something soon. It may take on a couple of prototype iterations actually....

I promise more soon!

Good to hear it hasn't hit the permanent backburner status! Life has a way of getting the the way of living, doesn't it? Always too many projects.

I don't suppose you'd be willing to share your model in a sort of open-source kum-ba-ya type arrangement, would you? :sombrero:


I definitely will share everything I do. There are about a dozen different sketchup model variations right now and I've just had an idea about another :) The one I posted is probably one of the most practical, but it has a few compromises that I didn't really want to make. I've decided to build a prototype and test out some ideas for placement and dimensions.

You guys are motivating me again. I gotta get started!


So very cool. I like the design and hope to see a prototype out soon. THat's marketable@!

what did you use to draw up the plans?



I used sketchup. It's a great design tool for playing with ideas. The finals will be Autocad, but I'm not quite settled on a few things yet.

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