My Son's summer in whistler in 5 minutes!


Very nice. DH was my 1st big hobby, I used to race the Amateur Cup in Big Bear every year.:victory:


Wow. I got to shoot the pre-qualifying for the Redbull Exodus and always wondered what some of the upper trails were like. Thanks.


OverCamping Specialist
Great video!
I hope to hit some of the trails on there one year if I vacation there.


New member
Great vid! Some really good riding in there. Stuff is always crazier in person than video and that looked pretty burly and quick. I can't imagine how nutty it would be to ride although I wouldn't mind giving it a go :)

That crashes looked bad too. I couldn't hear (speakers are hosed) but they looked like it hurt something awful on many of them.

I'm jealous of your son - Whistler for a full summer?! I've been wanting to go out there for years.
Wonderful! A son who is out living life to the fullest instead of sittin' in a cubicle?! I can only hope for the same, so that I may, too, re-live my youth through my daughter. You're only young once.

Clearly, you're a proud dad. Kudos, and thanks for sharing!


I love going to Whistler, all kinds of runs, great atmosphere.
I was there for the Exodus race, unfortunately sidelined as I had blown up my ankle 2 days prior. That was one hell of a race as the conditions couldnt have been any worse.
That was some pretty impressive riding, very fast and smooth. A great vid to watch!!


Expedition Leader
Very cool!

Wow that looks like fun.... but I am such a XC guy, those drops and jumps would kill me ; )

Brian McVickers

Staff member
That was great!

What camera did he use?

What sort of mount allowed him to get the shots facing back at himself? ----- It's cool to see how the biker's head stays centered, like a gyro, as the bike and body move in every other direction uner the head!

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