My summer project (haha) e350 van build

harness should be under that carpet, and connect to the seat.

i believe thats for the air bags/srs system



harness should be under that carpet, and connect to the seat.

i believe thats for the air bags/srs system


Awesome...thanks! And that makes sense, i tore the van apart so long ago I couldnt remember lol.
Whats the black box on your floor right under the driver seat? Mine doesnt have that.

Im on my phone now and none of my pics showed up. Did they show up for anyone else?

Just got email that fedex will pick up radiator and new one will be sent. Probably 50% chance the new one will make it in one piece lol.
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Expedition Leader
I can't stand it when big packages arrive broken... :(

Seeing your floor painted is making me feel I should paint mine before the few spots of surface rust get any worse.


Absolutely un-freaking believable! So- my replacement came and it looked to be in one piece minus mildly bent trans fluid fittings.
I work my A-- off all week, get home friday evening, Spend 3 hours installing it and getting tore up by zika ridden skeeters. Buttoning the job up and adding coolant and......bam..... theres a leak! THis piece of crap has a crack above the petcock drain. Second garbage radiator, and 3 weeks wasted, not to mention the new fluid I bought that is a huge puddle in the driveway.
I will go buy one locally and will leave this seller bad feedback if I dont get a refund this time. Fedex can come get both these pieces of trash.
Never buy sunbelt radiators!

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Absolutely un-freaking believable! So- my replacement came and it looked to be in one piece minus mildly bent trans fluid fittings.
I work my A-- off all week, get home friday evening, Spend 3 hours installing it and getting tore up by zika ridden skeeters. Buttoning the job up and adding coolant and......bam..... theres a leak! THis piece of crap has a crack above the petcock drain. Second garbage radiator, and 3 weeks wasted, not to mention the new fluid I bought that is a huge puddle in the driveway.
I will go buy one locally and will leave this seller bad feedback if I dont get a refund this time. Fedex can come get both these pieces of trash.
Never buy sunbelt radiators!

Ya ever try you get name brand products and they stand behind everything as well as ship in a day or two hey and then you get a cool little magnet to stick on to your tool box!


Absolutely un-freaking believable! So- my replacement came and it looked to be in one piece minus mildly bent trans fluid fittings.
I work my A-- off all week, get home friday evening, Spend 3 hours installing it and getting tore up by zika ridden skeeters. Buttoning the job up and adding coolant and......bam..... theres a leak! THis piece of crap has a crack above the petcock drain. Second garbage radiator, and 3 weeks wasted, not to mention the new fluid I bought that is a huge puddle in the driveway.
I will go buy one locally and will leave this seller bad feedback if I dont get a refund this time. Fedex can come get both these pieces of trash.
Never buy sunbelt radiators!

Ya ever try you get name brand products and they stand behind everything as well as ship in a day or two hey and then you get a cool little magnet to stick on to your tool box!

Yep, thats where I got my timing set for the van. Lesson learned..... dont go cheap on cooling.
Installed a spectra rad yesterday....all is well and was miles above the sunbelt rads in quality.


Was going to buy plywood and foam to lay my floor this weekend but ran across more neglect from last owner.
Was underneight trying to determine which dana axle and gears I have and noticed a back rotor in bad shape.
Looks like there is no pad left. Also see a moist grime spot under caliper so wondering if piston is shot or seals bad.

Ive done a million brake jobs but never had to replace a caliper or replace the pistons in a caliper.
This rotor seems pretty much toast.

Havnt decided on wether to lay floor or work on brakes. Probably need 2 new rear rotors and pads minimal....what about the wet spot? Do you think its an indication of a leak? Brakes seem to hold pressure fine. Just wondering if its nothing or if it would be wiser to replace the pistons or calipers altogether?


Awesome...thanks! And that makes sense, i tore the van apart so long ago I couldnt remember lol.
Whats the black box on your floor right under the driver seat? Mine doesnt have that.

Im on my phone now and none of my pics showed up. Did they show up for anyone else?

Just got email that fedex will pick up radiator and new one will be sent. Probably 50% chance the new one will make it in one piece lol.

That's the ACM (airbag control module).


Made a little progress on the cargo floor area. Picked up foamboard,plywood, and carpet saturday. Spent sunday laying in the rigid foamboard. The back had some bad internal surface rust/pitted areas from what I guess as the pool chemicals eating away the metal from its former use as a pool supply/maintenance vehicle.
The worst spots i sealed with rubber roofing cement and membrane....almost like a waterproof fiberglassing.
Hopefully this will seal the area from moisture and air and further rusting.
It got 2 coats of por-15 prior to this.
The floor saged a bit in this area from heavy equipment, so I filled the sagged area with expanding foam prior to laying the foam and leveling the area,then laid some 2x4s over the area with whatever I could find to add weight to keep the foam from lifting the foam panels up. The rest of the areas I used loctite pl375 to adhere the sheets to the floor. Will leave it to cure 24hrs.20160828_094027.jpg20160828_094033.jpg20160828_130053.jpg


I bought 1/2" plywood because i didnt want to loose too much height but after looking at my slightly bowed sheets im thinking I should of went with 3/4" taking into consideration that my floor was less than ideal and not flat to begin with.
Does anyone have an opinion on plywood thickness for the floor?


Engineer In Residence
It really depends on the grade. Appleply or marine grade plywood will be plenty strong in 1/2" thickness. Cheap HD/lowes crap will have low durability, even in 3/4" thickness.


Yeah, its the cheap stuff. I seen where people were using 1/4" panels over foam so figured id be safe with 1/2".
I should of got the cabinet grade stuff but its $60 a sheet and cant see spending that much when it will just be covered with carpet. Kind of debating it now though.


Engineer In Residence
Honestly the 1/2" stuff is probably fine. Especially if you have it covered. Just make sure to seal it so that it can't absorb water! My sprinter has the factory floor which is a high grade plywood. It is only 3/8" or so thick! But it has worked just fine with rigid foam under it.

If the floor is uneven or springy when you walk on it, you can add some wood blocks under it (remove the foam where the blocks go). Especially near the edges. The blocks will firm up the plywood a lot, and prevent the foam from being compressed due to point loads, such as those that can occur at the doors.


Pulled all the weights up, looks pretty decent, i think the expandafoam worked well to fill the small gap under the sagging part in the back. Hopefully once the plywood is laid it will disperse the weight enough to where the foam in that area doesnt compress. Its right inbetween 2 crossmembers that a single sheet of plywood will span so I think im ok.

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