Good God man, what are you? 5?!! Think that "feelings" come before truth? Whatever sick of everyone telling to take the sand out of my mangina when the very ones whining are the ones who got offended. See, the funny thing is, "offended" isn't even in my vocab because I simply don't give people that much credit. I wasn't experimenting. That would imply I needed to see what would happen to prove a hypothesis (educated guess) when I already KNEW what would happen, and it's the very thing unfolding I am watching now. Good God, ban me already and end the useless whining BS for all of those useless hermaphrodites that got offended at some dumb BS. Let me know what it feels like to have a vaggg. My theory was right....not many men left these days...just the neutered American male barking like a true DA.
I am sure that I will be banned because we now handle things like 5th graders. "I don't like you and you don't make me feel good so you aren't allowed here anymore".....good deal....lemme know when a real man stands up and doesn't give two ****s. I was hoping to be proven wrong...maybe see the error of my ways, but unfortunately I have seen more proof that we suck as a race more than we are willing to do good (not meant for those who rose above in this thread). And for the record, if it was intentional fraud, why did I come clean?! I dunno, think about it and try to answer without emotion rather than crying all over the subject like a....I dunno....neutered dude who got offended? So much to say and so don't care...