My trailer build 2007 JK


Willman said:
Wow nice.....I like the two spare factor!


Now time to get it dirty!

Yeah, I'll be carrying 8 tires so a complete spare set for the JK. I learned that from doing the biogeochem sampling in the "outback" of Nevada. You can't have too many spares.

Oh yeah I can't wait to get it dirty too! Although I will probably be calling in a favor from a friend of mine that owns a paint and body shop as the color from what I can tell isn't a close good color match. I was also planning on Herculining the tub, looks like I'll be doing that sooner than I expected. Oh well it will have a good undercoat. Again this could be the difference between materials but I'll know more on Saturday. Maybe I'm just imagining things and it is a lot closer than I think.



You bet I'll wave as I pass through Seaward!
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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
MichaelW said:
Oh yeah I can't wait to get it dirty too! Although I will probably be calling in a favor from a friend of mine that owns a paint and body shop as the color from what I can tell isn't a close good color match. I was also planning on Herculining the tub, looks like I'll be doing that sooner than I expected. Oh well it will have a good undercoat. Again this could be the difference between materials but I'll know more on Saturday. Maybe I'm just imagining things and it is a lot closer than I think.

Matching colors between automotive paint and powder coat is always tricky. While auto paint is now a science where colors are matched through codes, powder coating is a little more varied and colors are matched using paint chips. The pigments used are raw products so 100% consistency can only be guaranteed in a given batch.

You can see the catalogues for the two biggest producers of powder coats at:

Given all these variables the durability of the powder coat is far superior to automotive paint and if you use a good powder coater the finish is automotive quality.

When matching paints we like to provide the customer with the same charts we use to match a paint an leave the final decision up to them.


Wood Burner
I do have these fenders in stock they run about $110.00 a pair and they are heavy damn duty and will fit 33 tire no problem without mods.


Martyn said:
Matching colors between automotive paint and powder coat is always tricky. While auto paint is now a science where colors are matched through codes, powder coating is a little more varied and colors are matched using paint chips. The pigments used are raw products so 100% consistency can only be guaranteed in a given batch.

You can see the catalogues for the two biggest producers of powder coats at:

Given all these variables the durability of the powder coat is far superior to automotive paint and if you use a good powder coater the finish is automotive quality.

When matching paints we like to provide the customer with the same charts we use to match a paint an leave the final decision up to them.
Thanks Martyn and I do agree that it is tough. As I mentioned different surfaces make the same colors different. And I haven't had the two side by side, yet and the color match may be better than what it "appears" in pictures. It is interesting to note that in PM and email most comments are all pretty much the same, "wish the colors matched better". Hopefully it is.

Still I have a bud with a favor that could give me the superficial match if need be. Or I could just say the heck with it and call it good. After all me Martha Stewart have almost nothing in common other than we both probably had parents. :REOutArchery02:


Wood Burner
We used line of powder coat they are known for industrial type finishes and we use them alot since we also build for the state and federal government.
And yes it tricky to match powder coat to automotive finishes honestly its impossible. Unless you have a white or black vehicle
but will last a long time.
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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
newimage said:
We used line of powder coat they are known for industrial type finishes and we use them alot since we also build for the state and federal government.
And yes it tricky to match powder coat to automotive finishes honestly its impossible. Unless you have a white or black vehicle
but will last a long time.

We have found some very close matches to automotive colors, but there again our choice of colors using the two different manufacturers increases our odds considerably. I like some of the Cardinal special finishes but there over all their selection of colors is limited.

To clarify here, depending on which Powder Coating Company you use they have stock powders colors. If you want to use a color that they do not stock you usually have to buy 250 lbs of the stuff. This can result in hefty surcharges if you have your heart set on an exotic color.

The stock of colors a Powder Coating Company carries will depend on the volume of their business and it's location. So what is available to us in our location may not be the same nationwide.

The cost of powder coat finishes also varies depending on the pigmentation, if it is metallic, and if it needs a clear coat.


Wood Burner
Hey Mike everthings ready for you afterwards we are heading out to Johnson Valley to go to the Hammers for Goat Fest :Mechanic: and watch the Big Boys play on the rocks, lots of Media will be there and also all the magazine guys...Lets go!


I'mmm Baaaaccckkkk! :grinpimp:

I left Friday at 5pm out of Carson City. I hit some of the nastiest fog I've seen in a long time at the 14/5 interchange and then drove the rest of the way at a snails pace, particularly on 126 as I couldn't see 15 feet in front of my Jeep and I was running the wipers to clear off the fog build-up on the windshield.

I arrived at Rick's house at 12:30AM. I did tell him to not worry about it as I could get a hotel in town but he insisted on putting me up in his toy hauler and I was feeling pretty bad that I kept him up so late. Then upon arriving I find that he and his wife both had stayed awake awaiting my arrival. But despite that fact I kept them up waiting for me they both made me feel welcome and Rick took me out to the garage (Man Sanctuary) to get a glimpse of my new trailer.


Ok now I am impressed. Very nicely built and all sorts of little "extra's" and a lot of attention to detail. But it is past everyone's bed time, including Daisy their min-pin that is just a sweetheart.

I have to tell you that Rick doesn't skimp on things and I had to reveal the story of the evil mattress they have in the toy hauler. I had just driven almost 8 hours and just had a glimpse of my new trailer and figured I'd be spending a good hour trying to fall asleep. NOT. They have one of those Temperpedic (sp) styled mattresses that conforms to your body. They have several layers of Mexican Blankets that wrap around you and makes you feel like you are back in your mothers womb. I think it took me 3, maybe 5 seconds to fall asleep. I know in the morning I was hesitant to get up and could have laid there and relaxed for hours. But my new trailer awaits.

In the morning Rick invites me into the house and proceeds to make breakfast burritos with eggs and sausage and bacon. Man it is rough being at Rick's house. His wife and daughter provide good company and conversation as the nights fog begins to burn off not only in my head but also outside.

After eating and conversing it's time to go back into the garage and start getting things ready so I can make the return trip to Carson.

Ok I can't say enough good things so before I sound like a used car salesman, let me you start presenting you with some pictures.

Here is the trailer as we measure up the hitch and receiver and find that my hitch was just about a perfect drop.






Heading out of L.A. on 14 you go past Aqua Dulce Canyon and Vasquez Rocks.

I figured that would be a great place to get some pictures. Well it was pretty crowded so I pulled up a little on the way out and got some poser picks.

I didn't see Captain Kirk or the Gorn. Nor did the Flintstones invite me in for lunch.







Hitting Lone Pine on 395 about dusk was not what I had hoped for but I think it worked out in the long run for some more poser pictures.

And no I didn't see Gunga Din, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart or any giant underground Graboids. Although running into Reba would have been pretty cool.












OK and one last batch as the scenery is just too awesome around Lone Pine to just take a few pictures.









Oh and welcome to Bridgeport!


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
newimage said:
I do have these fenders in stock they run about $110.00 a pair and they are heavy damn duty and will fit 33 tire no problem without mods.

Any idea what thickness they are?

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