Namibia and Botswana


Enjoy the trip. My wife and I lived in South Africa for two and a half years and had the privilege to travel all over the county and even through Botswana and Namibia. I absolutely love Southern Africa.

I'm sure nobody has to tell you, but travel safely. Things in Africa can get bad quick;y if you aren't aware of your surroundings.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I don't see a hat? Will you be wearing the pyramid shaped Mongolian number you picked up?

My tactics are a little different. When I travel to SA I go with one carry on bag and what I'm wearing. When I get there I buy all of my clothes either at Mr Price or Cape Union Mart. I pick up a couple of pairs of Swakopmund Velties, and go to Green Market Square to pick up some Kikoys. I stuff them all into a kit bag and I'm set for 3 months.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I don't see a hat? Will you be wearing the pyramid shaped Mongolian number you picked up?

My tactics are a little different. When I travel to SA I go with one carry on bag and what I'm wearing. When I get there I buy all of my clothes either at Mr Price or Cape Union Mart. I pick up a couple of pairs of Swakopmund Velties, and go to Green Market Square to pick up some Kikoys. I stuff them all into a kit bag and I'm set for 3 months.

I really like this concept and depending on the country I will try it out in the future, cool idea.

Scott I also didn't see any hygiene or simple first aid stuff. What are your thoughts for keeping clean?

I take a REI travelers towel which is thin, light and drys quickly, also Dr Bronners soaps which now come in 2oz bottles for flying. Folding tooth brush, small toothpaste tube, razor and sewing kit all pack in a very small bag.
For first aid I like the small Adventure Medical Kits just to have some basics on me for outdoor/stomach and such.
And I never travel with out my Adventure Medical Kits Pocket Survival Pack and a bandana.

Scott Brady

I do have a simple hygiene kit, which consists of a razor, deodorant, toothbrush-toothpast. Of course, no hair products are required :)


Thanks for sharing your trip, looking forward to the pictures and updates
Safe travels

make sure to pack a winch and set of lockers. :)


Supporting Sponsor Presenting Sponsor of Overland
Hey Scott,

I might save you a few ounces in that kit of yours. The Spot coverage map is getting better than it was in '08 when I went over there, but it still is a bit sparse. I thought of taking mine too, but only North Africa was covered at the time. Here's the coverage map.


Scott Brady

We are off. I am using an interesting new application called TripIt, which interfaces with your email accounts and the iPhone. It pulls trip itineraries and creates travel profiles and provides real-time updates on the aircraft, regardless of carrier. This also integrates with my AMEX and provides easy bookings and monitoring of the pending travel schedules - I like it so far.

Oh, and this post is made from 30,000' ;)

We will be in Johannesburg tomorrow evening and plan to visit FrontRunner, Eezi-Awn, African Outback and National Luna. A pilgrimage of sorts.

I also plan to buy a new pair of boots, which seems only appropriate to buy in Africa. . .

Chazz Layne

Any plans to visit Skeleton Coast while you're there?

Have fun guys! I look forward to the upcoming trip photos.

Scott Brady

We might have time for the Skeleton Coast, or at least get close. We leave for Lesotho first and plan to drive UP the hard side of Sani Pass


I also started reading a fantastic book

Colonel Roosevelt, by Edmund Morris. It documents Teddy's last decade and his major expeditions into Africa. Wonderful read.


Scott Brady

We are on the ground in Johannesburg. Rumors of the security situation in this city appear to be greatly over-exaggerated. It is cleaner and more modern than Los Angeles. We were also greeted with cooler weather than we expected - including rain.

Tomorrow, we are off to the FrontRunner facility, Eezi-Awn and National Lune. It feels like a pilgrimage. :D


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Jo'burg is at 5700 ft. so the weather can be a little chilly. The lowest point in Lesotho is 4600 ft, good thing you brought the hoody.

If you get a chance check out some Jazz clubs in Jo'burg, last time I was there the African Jazz Pioneers were playing in a local pub.


Supporting Sponsor
We are on the ground in Johannesburg. Rumors of the security situation in this city appear to be greatly over-exaggerated. It is cleaner and more modern than Los Angeles. We were also greeted with cooler weather than we expected - including rain.

Tomorrow, we are off to the FrontRunner facility, Eezi-Awn and National Lune. It feels like a pilgrimage. :D

You're lucky. The last week has been really hot!


Enjoy sani pass. It's not that much of a challenge, they have started to pave the pass from the bottom up, so you might be one of the last to drive it unpaved. Have a beer at the top of the pass, the worlds highest pub...or so they claim.

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