A few upgrades/repairs/etc have taken place, some of which worth sharing. Will do a writeup on my take on the lightweight platform when the final pieces of that come together, but for now I'll commit blasphemy.
By that I mean I am mixing winch components. Specifically, I wired in a Warn wireless setup to my Superwinch.
This seemed like a decent enough idea at the time several years ago (the controller plug on the top of the bumper)
Over time, particularly back in the US with actual precipitation, the elements took their toll and a few days ago when I hooked my winch up to just re-do the line spool nothing happened. A little fiddling revealed that the wires had corroded to the point where they broke off from the plug itself. The solenoid box is nice and tucked away, so now I had wires that needed to do something.
At this point, after being a little frustrated, I decided that what I really wanted was a wireless setup. Research ensued. Since I was familiar, and fond of, the Warn setup from my friend's trucks at Twin Mountain I was keen on trying to incorporate that handheld. During that I discovered that
Warn actually has a setup for ATV's that is hardwired in-and has the benefit of a potential thumb switch input too. One has to note none of these components were necessarily meant for each other-but at the same time, they aren't really carrying much power. Just opening and closing relays. So why not, given that I had to redo wiring anyway, right?
The good news is the 3 wire controller for the superwinch has one more wire than is actually needed (I pulled power from elsewhere).
Testing and test fitting all at to ensure it is solid. (*There is a jackstand under there too...not just a cattywompus floor jack and the tire left for good measure)
The wires are tucked away up behind the headlight and under the airbox. The module is zip tied behind the grill.
Inside the cab I mounted a generic A
TV thumb switch. The switch on the left on the headlight cluster labeled "winch" sends 12v to the warn module and the thumb switch, essentially acting as a dead man.
Overall not too hard to sort once I got access to the components. The Warn wireless remote is superb from what I've seen before, it is working well thus far. Thumb switch prob isn't necessary but I decided why not since I enjoying using the in-cab controls in Coyote too. This was definitely a case of slowly and deliberately confirming components worked (for example the warn wire colors and the thumb switch wire colors are actually reversed. On the whole I looked at it as a chance to upgrade elements that needed repairing anyway.