You would not last a day on any jobsite I ever
You always have time to be careful. If you say otherwise it means you either have poor time management or don't focus on quality. You gain nothing by throwing crap around and/or abusing your truck/tools/equipment.
Prolly not, they used to say, if I couldn't break it, it couldn't be broken.

Was running my own crew by age 19, so must of been doing something right.
Maybe in your line of work that is poor time management... just knew I had to get it done. We had a few crews and were probably short handed that day and super busy, why I got stuck with my worthless cousin. Every time I turned around from running the hammer, he was standing there with his thumb up his ass. Finally got fed up with him, and made him go sit in the truck. Even had him give my the keys so he couldn't listen to the radio (this was before the internet and smart phones)
IIRC, had one day to demo the bottom of the pool, and we had a concrete truck with 9 yards of mix coming the next day at 8:00 am...was no time to be super careful with disposing of the debris. Especially when I had to do all the work by myself. Sorry, you can't ********** foot around sometimes. As they say Git-R-Done! Worrying about quality when jackhammering out concrete? That is just weird. If it makes you feel better had the F350 dump that day, could toss whatever in there without a worry.
These trucks are costing how much these days? $40-50K++ For that price they need to be able to take a little abuse. Those beds should be made extra tough, shouldn't have to baby it.
I dunno man, it is kinda lame if you can't even go to the grocery store without worrying about having shopping carts pinging off of them. Be kinda nice if these trucks a little tougher skin. Especially for off-pavement travel. Look at the old Landys they were made to walk on the fenders and hood....try that with the new trucks.