Need recommandation on 12v air compressor


Monterror Pilot
I am looking for a few recommendations for portable 12v air compressors. I will use it probably less than 5 times a year.

Lucky j

Well, if you hard wire it with an air tank and selenoil pressure switch, you will soon realized that you couls use it more often than that.

Bicycle tire on a weekend away from home- oba
Quick nailing job with pneumayic nail gun- oba (no need to carry that extra compressor)
Air matress, OBA
Ball (any type)-oba
Dust to blown up from slef's clothing -oba

Dust or dirt in rad, OBA

Slow leek tire in parking lot-oba

I have a quick air, the 450 c if memmory is correct, (100% duty, 140 psi??) 2 gallon ait tank porchase from a recycler probably about 300. $ total with the home made manufold, selenoil switch and all.
Always theire, never empty compare to co2 tanks, just a little slower. But hey, most of the time, I'm on vacation.
I've got an MV50 hard wired in my Montero, I've used it about 5 times in the last month. Just this week my BMW had a flat, so I pumped it up and took it in to get a nail extracted. Some family visited and they ended up with a flat, so I pumped it up so they could get some fix a flat it in. Just yesterday we were going to get groceries and ended up taking our other car, came across a guy in a Tacoma with a flat in the parking lot and wished I had brought the Montero. You'll be surprised how often you really use it, even if it's just helping out stranded motorists.


The MV-50 is tried and proven. Mine has been going strong since 2010 and used extensively. It would get hot and start to slow down toward the end of filling up a set of 35's but always got the job done. With 33's or smaller it is perfectly suited. I purchased mine with the intent to get a better setup but it has yet to die or let me down.


I have the equivalent of the MV90, it is similar to the MV50 but a bit beefier. I've not stopped using it since I got it.


I have the Smittybilt 2781. Part of me wishes I went with the MV50 (cheap and great reviews) and the other half wishes I went with the ARB Twin Air (runs air tools etc). I would say for ~$120 the Smittybilt won my vote for "bang for buck" as it fills tires about as fast as my buddies ARB twin air. I have mine portable and stored in it's little storage bag until I need it. For 5x a year, I say MV50.


camp loser
heres another vote for the MV50! my wife broke the air filter on mine years back and i just popped a sock over the top of the head of the compressor covering the intake and its still going when it craps out i'll buy another mv50.


going to a SRW conversion that require 90 psi I needed to change out my Via Air 450. Went with the outback extream magnum. Endo of story, I can even run air tools. But the point is I have the Via Air and associated tank that should go away. If someone here is in the vicinity of Seattle we should be able to make a good deal. GL



Don't be a wuss.

Twin 450 compressors and 2.5 gallons. Inflates tires/kayaks/river tubes/and even put on a few shingles


So basically, a person who buys the mv50 for weekend offroad and home domestic tire filling would not be disappointed?

Glad I came across this. I was thinking of pulling the trigger on a similarly priced viair, but looked here 1st.

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