Well, if you hard wire it with an air tank and selenoil pressure switch, you will soon realized that you couls use it more often than that.
Bicycle tire on a weekend away from home- oba
Quick nailing job with pneumayic nail gun- oba (no need to carry that extra compressor)
Air matress, OBA
Ball (any type)-oba
Dust to blown up from slef's clothing -oba
Dust or dirt in rad, OBA
Slow leek tire in parking lot-oba
I have a quick air, the 450 c if memmory is correct, (100% duty, 140 psi??) 2 gallon ait tank porchase from a recycler probably about 300. $ total with the home made manufold, selenoil switch and all.
Always theire, never empty compare to co2 tanks, just a little slower. But hey, most of the time, I'm on vacation.