New Chevy 09 3500 4x4

What tires would you like to see installed?

  • The new Goodyear MTRs with Kevlar

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Mickey Tompson Baja Claws

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • BF Goodrich Mts

    Votes: 38 50.0%

  • Total voters


Wow. You said your previous vehicles made it 250k but with a lot of problems along the way. Where they Duramax engines also?

Yes they were. They electronics really suck. I HOPE they have fixed the problems. I tried like hell to get a Dodge but the Comapny is in bed with GM somehow. So we are stuck with the duramax Chevys


I think he meant other new chevy trucks that his coworkers probably use

Yes. We have a total of 6 trucks in this project now. I was lucky since I actually had a 1 ton Dodge that was owned by our client. I used it until it was relocated to another project and then I was stuck with a rental truck since we had a purchase freeze. Now the freeze has ended and my new truck was ordered and now has been delivered.


MTR's are supposed to get some pretty healthy mileage for a mud tire...

Thats good to know. My last set of the new BFGoodrich MTs didnt last to long AT ALL! OK I will go with the new Goodyear MTRs with Kevlar. I will give you a real world test of these tires. I travel at least 75% on the highway. 50% on the highway is towing are equipment trailer or small backhoe (Kubota B26). The rest is on the highway headed home or going to pick up our trailer ect. 25% is off road either towing the trailers or headed to a service call with just my truck. Its a hard life for sure on tires. So if they do well then for an expedition rig they would be perfect! I cant tell you how many tires we as a group have gone through. I have always opted for the Heavy Duty type of tires. I have more experience than these guys off road. They are learning even if its like pulling teeth! "Load range E" "load range E". I must say though I am amazed at how many tire shops install load range D and I have even seen C on some of our one ton trucks! This next big company get together Ive been tasked with teaching a trailer towing safety and how to properly install snow chains. I will also be giving a winch use and safey course. I think I will throw in proper tire selection! Anyway I do hope the new MTRs have a longer life expectancy!
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Ok today Ive installed a set of Weather Tech digital floor matts. The fit and finish on the font set are perfect! I am very happy with them. I have not installed the rear ones yet since I have all my gear in the back seat. I will post pictures of them as well when I get home and unload my truck. Cost was about $200 for both sets. The fronts were about $100 if thats all you want to do.


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floor matts continue:


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WEATHER TECH Digital floor matts.

Fit and finish: 10

Would I rccomend this mini mod: YES

Will I buy them for my personal truck: YES


Goodyear dealer

Today I stopped in the Goodyear dealer in Tooela UT to get some new tires. This turned out to be my first mistake. The manager greeted me as I walked in. The first thing that struck me was the lack of the new tires on display. In fact all they had on display were really dusty Wrangler AT tires and the sort. Out front they had rows of the older AT tires. I asked the manager if he had any of the new MTR with Kevlar tires. He said no but could get any tire. Since I had left my paper work in my briefcase in my truck I asked him if he knew all the sizes. I wanted to go with the next bigger size over OEM. Leaving my paper work in my truck was my next mistake. This paper work was printed right off of the Goodyear web site and contained all the sizes. He starts looking for his paper work. Nope wrong book..... Oh i'll just go to the web site......He proceeds to ask me 5 times what rim size again? He prints up the tire sizes and comes back. We decide on a size and he goes over and calls his supplier. I hear him ask for the MTR tire...... At the same time I turn the page on his paper work and theres a picture of the old style MTR. I tell him no I want the "NEW" MTR WITH "KEVLAR". His reply is "they dont have So I go out and get my paper work which I should have done 10 minutes earlier. A few minutes later he calls ands the size I want (285/75R-16) are not available until May. Unbelievable!

I am now on my way to Phoenix. I hope to find a Goodyear dealer who knows his product line!


You posted about electrical issues with your previous Chevy trucks.
Were the problems limited to the diesels and whet were the problems ?
What do you like about the Dodge vs the Chevy ?


Just curious about the caravan camper, is this your first one? I recently picked up a used one and was wondering how you liked it.


You posted about electrical issues with your previous Chevy trucks.
Were the problems limited to the diesels and whet were the problems ?
What do you like about the Dodge vs the Chevy ?

Great questions. The problems were related to our diesel trucks. These are 3500 1 tons that had a box outfitted on the back. A utility body. Anyway one of the biggest problems is the trucks go into some type of safe mode sorta. They will only go about 20 mph. Then they will slowly start to die down and come to a complete stop. Turning off the ignition and restarting the truck gets you back to the 20 mph mode again for a few minutes. When your 100s of miles from the nearest town it really sucks! This has happened multiple times to all but one of the trucks. We had one truck in the shop all weekend. Yes they stayed and tried to figure out this persistant problem. Monday morning they said they found nothing wrong (as every service dept has done) and off we went. 2 hours later there we were going 20 mph . We called the dealer, turned around and headed back. They met us with a tow truck. I thought the problem was a bad PTO sensor which will only let the truck run up to a certain RPM when the pto is activated. Turns out only one truck was outfitted with a PTO and that was not the problem. After countless times driving back under this mode it felt more like a fuel starvation problem. To this day they (Chevy) does not know or will not fess up to what the problem is. One of those electrical gremlins I guess. If anything like that happens on this truck I will let you know.

What do I like about the Dodge vs Chevy? I have an 08 Dodge 1 ton 6.7 diesel. I can tell you the engine on the Dodge is much better suited for towing. They are both rated at about the same for HP and torque. The Chevy may even be a bit higher. But in the real world the Inline 6 has a much better torqe band and a better transmission. The Dodge has an exhaust brake the Chevy does not. NOW having said that will granpa notice a diffrence towing a 5,000 lbs trailer? No probrably not. BUT I have towed are backhoe and have towed my 12K snowcat with both trucks. (older chevy with snowcat) and the diffrence is huge. Theres really no diffrence between the 09 chevy and the 06 07 chevy trucks. The Chevys are also way to squishy for lack of a better word. They seem to wallow were as the Dodge has a much firmer ride. Not harsh like the older Dodges but the truck lets you know whats going on. The Chevys give you no real world feed back. This is a personal prefference. Im sure alot of people with like the squishy ride. Again I think of Grandpa towing his trailer. When you have a real load behind you its nice having real torque pulling you up that grade. Hope this answers your question. OH and I am not a brand loyal fan of any of the big three. I buy what is best for ME at the time im shopping. If Ford was better then it would have been Ford. Chevy then Chevy. This year and last its still Dodge in my book that is number one. I work way to damned hard for my money to spend it on anything but the best. The good thing though is that these three keep fighting and keep producing better and better trucks. Some have stumbled along the way but the trend still sets higher standards.


Just curious about the caravan camper, is this your first one? I recently picked up a used one and was wondering how you liked it.

This will be my first new one. I too have an older one. Much older in fact and it still is in great shape. I believe its an 1984... At least that what year truck it was on when my son bought it. Again I have looked at everything and the quality, fit and finish are second to none! I cant wait to pick mine up! I will post a ton of pictures for you to drool over:drool: :bike_rider:


Just a side note. I left Salt Lake city this morning and arrived in Phoenix this afternoon and picked up our new Wells Cargo trailer. What customer service!:victory: They added some rubber molding to the rear deck door at the bottom. I told them thats where the dust comes in from. I then told them about the demise of our last Wells Cargo trailer when it was hit by a semi truck going 65 in pea soup fog. (to long of a story) so they added some DOT reflective tape right then as well. Heres some pics.


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Just pulled into Idaho Falls. Ive tried two more Goodyear dealers with no luck. One dealer quoted me $349 per tire! He said they were getting them from another dealer. No thanks. Ill wait till I find them at a normal price.


Since I have a few weks to go before my Caravan Camper Top is done I will be moving on to installing some fog/snow lights in the 5" opening on the Buckstop bumper. I will also be installing some pencil beam lights as well up on top of the bumper. Ive been asking around and have been told by diffrent stores which are the best. Of course the best is what they seem to have in stock. There are three lights I really like. I have experience with Hellas. Great lights. Lightforce have a great following as does PIA. So which lights are actually better now? I am leaning towards PIAs. Any ideas?

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