You posted about electrical issues with your previous Chevy trucks.
Were the problems limited to the diesels and whet were the problems ?
What do you like about the Dodge vs the Chevy ?
Great questions. The problems were related to our diesel trucks. These are 3500 1 tons that had a box outfitted on the back. A utility body. Anyway one of the biggest problems is the trucks go into some type of safe mode sorta. They will only go about 20 mph. Then they will slowly start to die down and come to a complete stop. Turning off the ignition and restarting the truck gets you back to the 20 mph mode again for a few minutes. When your 100s of miles from the nearest town it really sucks! This has happened multiple times to all but one of the trucks. We had one truck in the shop all weekend. Yes they stayed and tried to figure out this persistant problem. Monday morning they said they found nothing wrong (as every service dept has done) and off we went. 2 hours later there we were going 20 mph . We called the dealer, turned around and headed back. They met us with a tow truck. I thought the problem was a bad PTO sensor which will only let the truck run up to a certain RPM when the pto is activated. Turns out only one truck was outfitted with a PTO and that was not the problem. After countless times driving back under this mode it felt more like a fuel starvation problem. To this day they (Chevy) does not know or will not fess up to what the problem is. One of those electrical gremlins I guess. If anything like that happens on this truck I will let you know.
What do I like about the Dodge vs Chevy? I have an 08 Dodge 1 ton 6.7 diesel. I can tell you the engine on the Dodge is much better suited for towing. They are both rated at about the same for HP and torque. The Chevy may even be a bit higher. But in the real world the Inline 6 has a much better torqe band and a better transmission. The Dodge has an exhaust brake the Chevy does not. NOW having said that will granpa notice a diffrence towing a 5,000 lbs trailer? No probrably not. BUT I have towed are backhoe and have towed my 12K snowcat with both trucks. (older chevy with snowcat) and the diffrence is huge. Theres really no diffrence between the 09 chevy and the 06 07 chevy trucks. The Chevys are also way to squishy for lack of a better word. They seem to wallow were as the Dodge has a much firmer ride. Not harsh like the older Dodges but the truck lets you know whats going on. The Chevys give you no real world feed back. This is a personal prefference. Im sure alot of people with like the squishy ride. Again I think of Grandpa towing his trailer. When you have a real load behind you its nice having real torque pulling you up that grade. Hope this answers your question. OH and I am not a brand loyal fan of any of the big three. I buy what is best for ME at the time im shopping. If Ford was better then it would have been Ford. Chevy then Chevy. This year and last its still Dodge in my book that is number one. I work way to damned hard for my money to spend it on anything but the best. The good thing though is that these three keep fighting and keep producing better and better trucks. Some have stumbled along the way but the trend still sets higher standards.