Yes that sounds great as a balancing board concept, again would appreciate any more details, where did you see that 10A balancing rate?
I don't see anything specific in the Ali listing?
Another approach is charging with a balancing charger, perhaps only occasionally as a maintenance procedure.
Seems like deligreen (mfg)'s website is borked temporarily and asking for a username/password when trying to hit the domain. Wasn't like that the other day. But "QNBBM balane specs" on google returns a couple other places with
specs. Guess it's 6a continuous for sure, and a site or two claiming 10a peak.
I do wonder what happens though if I'm charging at say... 20 amps... and my one cell is trying to exceed 3.6v when the other three are sitting at 3.45 or something. Maybe that will never happen since it's balancing all the time, but it's something I observe on my ISDT Q6 Pro 14-amp balance charger even when charging at 5 amps. The ISDT only balances when charging is complete though. However, in the scenario I mention (if it were even possible while actively balancing), I wonder if that 20 amps is still going to be beelining for my wonky cell, and be too much for the QNBBM to distribute to the others.
So yeah, I do have the hobby balance charger and thought about using that for periodic maintenance, but as user jonyjoe101 describes in that post I linked (he also owns this charger), it drops charge current wayyy down when things start getting imbalanced. Like I've seen it take hours to pump in another 0.5 amp hours and declare itself 'done' - only it never truly charges each cell. Then it does it's automated balance portion which never finishes, and never gets them anywhere close. Odd though the second I put a load on the pack, they all reach the same exact voltage (like to the third decimal) in a minute, and ride down to dead in harmony.
Hell, I might have three wonky cells and one good one, I don't know. I'll be sure to post impressions once the balancer arrives on the slow boat from China.