I seriously doubt that in this case. LR knows what they have in the Defender and they know that the LR reputation is based on that. What the manufacturer really wants is a car that conforms to new regulations and safety standards and can actually be built with a profit margin left w/in the intended market segment. All of these items are very marginal in the Defender today.
No. You are applying 80s and 90s thinking to the 20-teens. We are already providing full diagnostics (not just fault read/clear but just about everything IDS/SDD does) to newer LRs with a unit that is half the size of a pack of cigarettes (
http://gap-diagnostic.com ). And this is only the start - the next generation of vehicles will have remote diagnostics built in. Todays vehicle ECUs compared with a smartphone, for instance, are like a covered wagon compared to a moon shot technology-wise. The price of ECUs will come down and they will become disposable - similar to smartphones. Repairs in the future will simply include all electrics and be just as viable in Africa as in New York or London.
As I said above, I am quite sure that LR is very aware of this - and that they do not want to tarnish this image. But without the modern drivetrain, coil springs, and re-vamped styling - the Defender is going on 65 years old. Is what is coming going to be a all around useable as the Defender? Prob not. But I am going to say that the folks at LR are considering this - they ain't stupid. There is a lot of money riding on this.