Blaming the driver?..Wasn't blind loyalty by any means but that is what you see. I made clear observations by very clear indicators of bad driving and not properly using the TC; seen and heard on the video. My point was use the same driver of the D90 as he clearly knows how to drive and you can see his posture, control, navigation, and overall understanding of how to properly get up that obstacle. I would say the same thing and did when I commented on watching very capable Jeeps and Tacos perform as they should with the experienced driver and go nowhere with the wrong driver. Furthermore, I have never once stated anything of the sort related to lockers not be overly advantageous
It wasn't a cut on any other vehicle or denial; I can watch the same on Jeep and Taco and 4Runner videos on amateurs making great vehicles look like poorly equipped mall crawlers.
Don't read into it; I'm saying its not a fair comparison as we know nothing other that what we clearly see. If you think that is how to use a TC, locked or unlocked that you are tackling obstacles with hammer and anvil tactics and I feel sorry for your vehicle. Just because we see a flash of the dash with lockers doesn't mean that was the configuration; I find it very hard to believe that JLR took all of the good from their many years of successful traction control from the Defender. So clearly seeing indications of the rear not being locked is not evidence by seeing both rear wheels spinning differently; can you really say the rear is locked just as you make assumptions that a company with decades of successful TC use all of a sudden didn't make their rear locker actually lock?
There is zero reason for that much wheel spin; it comes from poor throttle modulation which takes time for the TC to catch up to the constant throttle and braking by the driver; TC use requires practice and understanding and yes, it does require consistant momentum and not rocking of the vehicle through throttle and brake manipulation. I can make any vehicle do that; exactly how I get the Taco stuck in the sand dunes when the TC won't let me. I induce the wheel spin and digging to bury the truck to the frame so we can practice recovery procedures. Jeep also uses TC and proper use of the TC is required anytime you are driving unlocked.
Fully locked does provide much more room for poor driving technique so maybe that is just what you are used to. Do you drive around everywhere with your lockers engaged even on the trail when not needed?
Wasn’t the whole point of this over complex systems to extract the driver’s mistakes with a “smart” TC that combine TC and a true locker?
You can also blame the soil/rock formation which are different from Britain, ohh and don’t forget the air, yes.
The air density is also different and affect the tries..
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