New FWC layout - what do you think?


BIIIIIG advantage. That's our biggest grumble with our 2009 Fleet....not sure of the reasoning why the sink was placed aft and the stove fore but we have to slide the bed out of the way to get to the stove to make that ever-important morning cup of coffee. Definite bummer.

Some of us have reworked the counters on our rigs to move the stove above the fridge, great improvement in my mind:
The return of the tan soft-sides over the drab gray is the best thing about this.

Hey now...I like my gray.:sombrero:

Layout is near ideal but who picks the upholstery materials? How about some nice solid color options instead of these quirky patterns that quickly look dated?

This is what my wife said even after I pointed out the fish.:p Personally I don't think it's bad. As long as FWC offers a choice in fabric color and patters, they should be able to please everyone.

And now let me just quote myself.
Now FWC just needs to come up with a built in shower pan :)
dated 5/5/2009

As for the layout...I really like it.


It looks like a layout that, for the first time, in my opinion, makes sense in a FWC. I do not like any of the layouts offered in the usual models.

Just a comment on the interior finish... There are certain people on this board that love to give Phoenix campers such a hard time about the initial interior finish quality (and at the same time praise FWC). The finish on this FWC looks to be far worse than any Phoenix I've been in... the cabinet doors look amateur, and plenty of exposed screw heads.

I'm pretty disappointed with the finish for a camper that comes from a "big factory."

Doc Foster

This is a much better layout. This would much better suit my needs and is almost exactly what I am in interested in for my double cab long bed Tacoma.


Expedition Leader
^^What he said.

I would like to see it in a flatbed version as well. Someday I will convert to a flatbed/flatbed popup.



^^What he said.

I would like to see it in a flatbed version as well. Someday I will convert to a flatbed/flatbed popup.


Flatbed version wanting a dinette I think a side door farther up the side is doing to be the optimal location. Allows a dinette across the rear and bed up front, no overlap.


Expedition Leader
I like the tan soft sides from the inside...I think they're a really good match to the cabinets. I see Doc's point thought about the exterior matching or not matching well with the vehicle color. For me, the lighter color on the inside would make it brighter inside, making it seem roomier.

Yes, it is a Propex.

Is that a good thing? I'm not familiar with the pros and cons of both the Atwood and the Propex.


Is that a good thing? I'm not familiar with the pros and cons of both the Atwood and the Propex.

A propex heater is a ducted unit in terms of hot air and exhaust. Something like that really shines in a camper vehicle to tap into the sheet metal floor/wall to exhaust it and stash it under things easily. It pulls 1.4amps while running which is more efficient in terms of the fan, the manufacturer reps claim better components, etc.

On a camper like yours if you don't mind a front blowing unit it's pretty easy to accommodate an Atwood 8012, which only pulls 1.8amps, for 1/2 the cost of a propex I opted to get one of those for my build. If I had a build which I wanted more ducted vents the propex would have gotten more consideration.


I'd pass.
Looks cramped and I like the fold over bench for stealth camping.

I was going to order my Hawk with the tan interior, but the new FWC dealer here in Denver made a good point in that the "animal print" hides stains, dog hair etc.
Made sense so I'm going animal.


rotti - its not on their web site, but they also have a dark blue print, which is what I'm going with. I think the tan looks best in terms of color, but given that you have to stand on the couch to get to the bed, and there are many ways for it to get dirty, I figure the dark blue is better


Yep, I looked at all three colors at the show.
To me the blue just looked too cold, could be the led lights had something to do with it.
(Decided to go with the fluorescent)

I had the plaid fabric in my old Granby and it really hid the wear and tear so the animal print idea made sense.
I turned my nose up at it at first, but I'm coming around.
My animals will love it!


Just a thought/question concerning the floor plan: Wouldn't it be better to have the fridge, stove, sink, etc. toward the front to keep the weight a little more centered or forward? Where is the fresh water tank?


Yes, it would be best / optimal / ideal to have that weight over or forward of the axle but I think for many the advantages of the design (inside toilet for the Mrs and a much more comfortable dinette) would outweigh the decrease in handling performance.

The water tank is under the settee which is the 'box' underneath the forward side of the dinette seats. Easier said, the water tank is in the best location....all the way forward and centered.

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