New FWC layout - what do you think?

Rot Box

My Alaskan and a friends Hallmark are very similar to that. If I ever get the motivation I'm going to shoot for something like that when I redo my 81. I really like that layout/floor plan personally :bike_rider:


Very nice. That layout for the dinette maximizes use of the Fleet's extra width and I see they installed a shower. That Thetford is a big winner, too. The swivel feature saves entry space and the cassette is a huge advantage. I'm very impressed. This should be a good seller for FWC.

Good work Tom et al.
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I do like a front dinette but... who gets the lower bunk? (Imagine that space when the upper bed is pulled out)

In my mind the lower bunk is for stealth mode sleeping, sleeping 2 dudes (one on the upper bed and one lower) or a kid in a pinch. The reality is although you might be able to squeeze 3-4 people to sleep ONLY in these campers the galley layout just tends to have people on top of each other and no real way around it with a rear entry door so they really aren't ideal at all for it.

Dave Bennett

Layout is near ideal but who picks the upholstery materials? How about some nice solid color options instead of these quirky patterns that quickly look dated? I see this everywhere in the US RV industry... The 70's called and they want their upholstery back!

I'd like to see how the shower deploys with much more detail.

Almost there FWC, almost there.

Jonathan Hanson

Well-known member
I agree this layout looks to be an improvement. Roseann and I lived very happily with the original for several years, but with the table in place in the aisle the cook was constrained working in the galley. This better separates cooking and eating spaces.

The FWC in Tacoma size is really a couple's arrangement, or a couple with small children. So I don't think the cave-like lower bed is a big issue.

Also it appears this arrangement would allow you to light the stove to start heating water (and the camper if you don't have a heater) for coffee before you get out of bed, something the old arrangement didn't.


The FWC in Tacoma size is really a couple's arrangement, or a couple with small children. So I don't think the cave-like lower bed is a big issue.

Totally agree.

Also it appears this arrangement would allow you to light the stove to start heating water (and the camper if you don't have a heater) for coffee before you get out of bed, something the old arrangement didn't.

BIIIIIG advantage. That's our biggest grumble with our 2009 Fleet....not sure of the reasoning why the sink was placed aft and the stove fore but we have to slide the bed out of the way to get to the stove to make that ever-important morning cup of coffee. Definite bummer.

Also, this camper appears to have a furnace but not the normal Atwood12k BTU model. Propex maybe? I'm curious about it and if the hot water heater eats the same amount of cabinet space as it does in mine. Indispensable for my wife so I'm stuck with the loss of cabinet space regardless.


Expedition Poseur
I agree this layout looks to be an improvement. Roseann and I lived very happily with the original for several years, but with the table in place in the aisle the cook was constrained working in the galley. This better separates cooking and eating spaces.

The FWC in Tacoma size is really a couple's arrangement, or a couple with small children. So I don't think the cave-like lower bed is a big issue.

You have to keep in mind that you & Roseann are not the average couple. I have trouble imagining 'living in' our Granby - let alone a tacoma sized version. A few weeks - sure. A few years - nope. We get along very well - but we'd strangle each other. Or go insane - which some say we are anyway - so maybe not a big change there.

I do like the layout - but it has the same problem that the rest of them do: One friggin drawer! Hello! How about putting some realistic (organized and accessible) storage in there? I'm well aware of the space limitations, but sheesh - give a couple some place to put stuff so they aren't digging through boxes to get the cooking stuff out two or three times a day.

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