HAM Repeaters are not portable rigs like a basecamp GMRS deployment, we put em at strategic locations at high elevations so the horizon is much much further out.. you can key up those with handhelds at impressive range, let alone mobile high powered rigs.. the locals here key up our mountain top repeaters with 5w handhelds from a couple dozen miles, (or more if they use directional antennas).. mobile rigs can basically go to the horizon, on a +2000ft mountain a repeater is like 55 miles or better depending on terrain.. my house sits several thousand feet above average ground level, my APRS igate made from a mobile VHF radio picks up packets from 90 miles away consistently and I can reach repeaters for as far as I can see mountains in each direction.. which is hundreds of miles combined.
With a portable rig that horizon is much closer, on flat ground im only ~5m w/my 13ft trailer top antenna.. but its 2x that of the 2.5m horizon from my sons POV, I suppose potentially ~7m range on flat ground if you add em together.. my repeater's not gonna work miracles but I can strategically place my base camp at an altitude a few hundred feet higher than the valley and now my limit is basically the handhelds ability to get a signal to my receiver.. luckily it has a better receiver and antenna than the handhelds so it can pickup handhelds within my range much more reliably than other handhelds can.. and in reverse, its transmitting from a nice perspective with several times the power so the handhelds receive its transmissions much more reliably than they do each other.
I was meaning to get a more powerful handheld, like 10W with a nice directional antenna and take it with me on hikes to see if I can key it up from various vantage points.. but honestly these lil radios work consistently enough now within a few miles of base camp I've not had much desire, mebe next backpacking trip a few days out from base.. now I'm trying to think of how I want to mount a radio w/bluetooth to my dirt bike and how best to construct a crash proof antenna.. or mebe I should just sell it and get an ATV for now... ah fuckit