New Kayak Waterfall Record Set


Expedition Leader
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Expedition Leader
Yes, otherwise the world record would be much, much higher. One could commit suicide over Victoria falls, and that would be it.

Victoria Falls is a measly 108 m (360 ft) and wouldn't get you anywhere close to the "I can't ever be beaten" record. For that you'd need to run Angel Falls in Venezuela which is a whopping 979 m (3,212 ft) with a clear drop of 807 m (2,647 ft).

Curiously Alden Bird's Let It Rain whitewater guidebook has some of those Niagara Falls photos. He doesn't suggest repeating the feat but he does describe the legally dubious run below the falls. Shuttle: police car.



Expedition Leader
I don't know Graham? It's impressive to a point but you know as well as I do it takes almost no skill to huck yourself off something like that. Now if the lead in to the drop was something like oh, Gorilla, that would be impressive.


Expedition Leader
I don't know Graham? It's impressive to a point but you know as well as I do it takes almost no skill to huck yourself off something like that. Now if the lead in to the drop was something like oh, Gorilla, that would be impressive.

Its certainly going to start an arms race of hucking big waterfalls. I'm just impressed that somebody was willing to test the theory that they'd survive the impact!

I remember way back in the 80s when Shaun Baker was starting to tackle tricky narrow rocky waterfalls in the UK he routinely reported things like the number of people hospitalized. A friend of mine broke ribs landing a clean 60' fall in South America and apparently he was the least injured of the three of them.

The highest I've gone is about 35' and the worst bit was getting pinned in a dog-leg two feet above the drop. The drop itself was child's play.



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Expedition Leader
I don't know Graham? It's impressive to a point but you know as well as I do it takes almost no skill to huck yourself off something like that. Now if the lead in to the drop was something like oh, Gorilla, that would be impressive.


I don't want to sound like a wet blanket, and really, who the hell am I... but I'm still infinitely more impressed by watching some of Kent Ford's moves down a slalom course in a C1 than I am by some guy hucking a Hail Mary.

Just my 2 very humble cents.

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