To Davidalanhart, Corgi_express, Xrunner and any other AEON RV owners, we are interested in hearing your experience with AEON: What are your overall impressions? Any surprises - good, bad, or indifferent? How about warranty/maintenance experience - any experience good or bad? Are components easily accessed for service and maintenance? I'm also wondering about the control panel - if that system goes down, is there a back up? (I've heard nightmare stories about multiplex control systems malfunctioning and nothing in the RV works when it fails.)
So thankful to have found this site and for any replies! Our membership for the FB AEON Owners and Explorers group has been pending for over a month, and we are eager to hear more about AEON. (Nothing against the FB group, could be b/c we don't know what we're doing since we don't use FB 😊) So again, many thanks!