New Mr Heater LP Hot Water Heater

European Options

I´ve been staying up to date on all of your updates and it has helped me a lot with my decision.
I will be using the the heater in europe on some cross continental trips.Portugal-Norway and vice-versa.
I was wondering if you all know of any options to adapt the heater to the gas tanks or cartridges here in europe.Or does anyone know of a hose adaptor for a bigger gas tank.Or are the 1 Lb gas cartridges refillable?
Any help is appreciated.
I am not sure about European propane standards for hookups but I would imagine they are the same as in the US.

There is in fact a way to re-fill the 1 lb bottles from a larger tank with a simple adapter and you simply turn the larger tank upside down to fill the smaller. However, you will be hard pressed to find such an adapter without doing some searching at RV stores etc... most places will not sell such a thing even if it did exist for legal reasons (what I was told). Some old timers I know insist it used to be done but as the throw away area developed people stopped bothering with it.

Here is the hose adapter that will work with the water heater to any larger tank. I also use it for my weber Q120
A quick Google search finds the one pound cylinder refill adapter, nearly everywhere: Mr. Heater even sells one.

Well Gee wiz I guess you get the Google searcher Gold star for today :)

I was searching the old fashioned way in stores and was told they are most likely not even legal anymore. However I was searching in CA and most things that make sense are not legal here.

Make sure you wear gloves and eye protection.


Used our water heater on a trip to Zion and the North Rim of the GC a few weeks ago. It performed as advertised. It can get water very hot, very fast. It was used for both showers and washing dishes. Wife was extremely pleased with it.

cobb ridge

I just received mine yesterday. I followed the directions to put it together and start the water flow. Nothing happens when I press the button to turn on the pump. I hear no noise from the machine or the pump. Any ideas?


I just received mine yesterday. I followed the directions to put it together and start the water flow. Nothing happens when I press the button to turn on the pump. I hear no noise from the machine or the pump. Any ideas?

Just a few initial thoughts...Does the panel light up? Battery charged? Try a 12V source directly?


In case your question didn't get answered; yes, the Coleman unit as a flow detector and turns on/off the burner as needed. It's a great little unit for the $125 that I paid for it but mine had Oster branding on it.

General Automag

'Not to hijack the thread, but we've had great success for years with the Zodi Hot Tap HP There's one for sale on Craigslist now for $150 We have an older model that uses a gel-filled 12V battery which, in my opinion, is better than the 4-D battery setup. We just charge the battery via the cigarette lighter receptacle and it's fully charged by the time we reach camp. Plus, we use the small 12V battery (about the size of a small lawnmower battery) to power other things such as a air mattress inflator which we use mainly to stoke fires.


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I just picked one up at Cabalas. I camp with a trailer, so thought this would be a perfect addition. I already had the hose to connect to the propane tank on the tongue. The pump does not fit into the Frontrunner 5g jug, but it is an easy fix. It worked great. I look forward to testing in field.


Expo this, expo that, exp
I've been following this thread for a while now. I see that Amazon carries this product now, but a little more expensive than Cabbelas.

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