[QUOTEThat major difference is video - the Df cannot shoot it (making it one of only two current DSLRs which don't - the other being the Sigma SD1 Merrill). In conversation with Nikon engineers, I was told that video was never on the table as an option for the Df, apparently as much a philosophical point as anything else. This is a serious camera for serious people which is to be used for 'pure photography', not videos (oddly though, the Df still boasts a full compliment of retouch options including the decidedly lightweight fisheye and miniature effects).
While it's true that many potential Df owners might not care about video, we're not convinced by this explanation. All things being equal, if you can add a function, why not do so? It's possible that the Df's relatively low-capacity EN-EL14a battery isn't quite up to the challenge of HD video from a full-frame sensor, but this is speculation. Maybe video could be added via firmware, but the question is probably academic, since the Df has neither a built-in microphone nor a jack for adding one.
Lolz.. This is officially a toy... No news outlets will buy it.. Ok a few hipsters and geriatric "fine art" photogs will buy it... Philosophical point.. Lolz..fisheye effect