North American Ramblings of a Perpetual Transient

Overland Hadley

on a journey
My Travels thread is random.

I was on the road this spring, and spent the last few weeks in Southern Utah. I was heading home when you were just arriving.

It would be great to meet up in the spring. I think we had talked about meeting up in the swell/reef area one year. I still want to explore that area further.

yoga chick

New member
Kristian - you are a great writer, I dig reading your perspective on tripping, and your photos bring a new perspective and a desire to Get Out on the Road!
Sadly (I know I speak for a lot of us) you have a serious lack of photos of yourself. Soo... I am adding some to your montage. :p

First of all, if you are ever looking for a guide to .. well anywhere really, Kristian is your man. He is a solid outdoor adventurist, knows his way (or can find his way) anywhere. He knows so many little known facts, even about areas I thought I knew. The time I spent on the trip from Moab through Valley of the Gods, Monument Valley down to Toroweap was my first real taste of overlanding in true style.

And then of course meeting up with K.C. .. these guys make a pair of all out expedition men - proving such adventures are accessible to even the weekend warrior of overlanding. No sweat.

On the trail ....


Then we met up with Walt another stonghold of the OL scene. I don't think I've met anyone so immaculately organized with their gear (not even K) :Wow1: Anyone could take a lesson from Walt!

Yes, we definitely hit up the full gamut of weather .. I think we can all agree that the vast expansiveness of the desert allows the weather to well up in the skies in a full unabashed exposure.



To the man .. the myth .. the eco-tourism promoting junkie and overland legend - for guiding me through the back roads of redrock and mountain peaks, sun to snow. As they say in Utah: "I had a reeal good time". :smiley_drive:

(and great job on the yoga sesh, for a 1st time yogi you kept up a great attitude and what better way to experience the grand canyon?)
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Perpetual Transient
Nooooo, those are definitely mine. See, Tom still rocks his Oakley Blades proudly.....thermo nuclear protection you know...


Perpetual Transient
And thanks for sharing the pics Alyssa, the legend stuff is a bit much but appreciate the gesture(sarcasm noted) :p Now don't you have some more pics??


I had to look it up.....

Jane Fonda had just finished working on Klute when she was arrested at an airport in Cleveland on November 3, 1970.

The customs officers wrongly accused Fonda of drug smuggling after finding vitamins labelled b, l and d (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in her bag.

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It was rad. Anyone know the shirt reference? If so you get mad props in my book.

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