North American Ramblings of a Perpetual Transient


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Stop on in even if its just for an evening. We've got a little camping area next to our trout stream you could crash at.

This is our Heavyweight '68, a Buick LeSabre. We've got to swap the interior and do some tuning. My daughter Allison just turned 16 and is very excited about getting it back on the road. I'm not sure as to why, its just your grandma's old land barge. It's completely stock...honest. :ylsmoke:

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That's an awesome trip. I'm very jealous.
PS - I don't know if someone chimed in already, but isn't the woman on the shirt Patty Hearst?


Perpetual Transient
Stop on in even if its just for an evening. We've got a little camping area next to our trout stream you could crash at.

This is our Heavyweight '68, a Buick LeSabre. We've got to swap the interior and do some tuning. My daughter Allison just turned 16 and is very excited about getting it back on the road. I'm not sure as to why, its just your grandma's old land barge. It's completely stock...honest. :ylsmoke:


Sounds good! A fella in the town I grew up with had that same car but in a green that he rebuilt in highschool and I still see it around there when I am down that way. Classic iron right there, looks fun!


Perpetual Transient
Yes, Rad! And that clip is awesome! I have that movie on DVD. That is a timeless classic and the best of the 80's. haha

Overland Hadley

on a journey
With that all being said I think I want to move in a new direction with a vehicle that combines affordable cost of entry, camper hauling abilities for that ever important getting out of the weather ability while being able to cook and relax, fuel economy which is a big one for me, along with reliability and durability. Impossible you say? Well, stay tuned....


And thanks for the wrap-up with the numbers for your trip.


Perpetual Transient
Great thread Kristian!

We must have crossed paths somewhere in the plains as I was heading home from my spring travels.

I kind of hightailed it from South Dakota back. I originally wanted to spend some time in the grasslands but I was getting antsy at the end to see if my house was still standing. haha When did you get back?


Perpetual Transient

And thanks for the wrap-up with the numbers for your trip.

Thanks! Those are the types of things I always wonder about on people's trips. I figured it might be useful for someone. It really helps to put it all in perspective I feel when you can look back at the stats somewhat. I kept having folks comment on my Facebook page that I must be spending a fortune on gas on my trip. Really, when it was all said in done, I spent less on lodging and fuel then most people spend on a one week vacation flying somewhere and staying in a hotel. Plus I got to go for two months and see quite a bit. Even with gas prices high, the value of a vehicle based trip is still good in my eyes.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
I kind of hightailed it from South Dakota back. I originally wanted to spend some time in the grasslands but I was getting antsy at the end to see if my house was still standing. haha When did you get back?

I meant at the start of your trip, the first of April. At that time I was coming back from my six weeks on the road in the southwest.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
Really, when it was all said in done, I spent less on lodging and fuel then most people spend on a one week vacation flying somewhere and staying in a hotel. Plus I got to go for two months and see quite a bit. Even with gas prices high, the value of a vehicle based trip is still good in my eyes.

I agree.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Dude. Kristian, that was an epic run man. If only Yosh and I could break away that long.. i'd be gone ***POOF!. Im late to the party here as always.. catching up.. but it was a blast following you on Facebook man. Thanks for taking the time to post it up.


Perpetual Transient
I meant at the start of your trip, the first of April. At that time I was coming back from my six weeks on the road in the southwest.

Ah, ok. You know, I had been following the picture updates on your thread but I didn't realize they were recent. Thought they were from random times and places. Well, if you are travelling next spring we will have to meet up. I am going to try and make this a yearly outing. I never did get down as far south as I wanted to origninally and might make Mexico a priority for next year, especially if the weather is as wacky as it was this spring. We should cross paths though for sure. Would love to learn some shooting techniques from you. I hope to get a real camera again sometime in the near future, or at least possibly blow the dust off my 35mm. haha I shot some film with it last fall but hadn't developed it yet.


Perpetual Transient
Dude. Kristian, that was an epic run man. If only Yosh and I could break away that long.. i'd be gone ***POOF!. Im late to the party here as always.. catching up.. but it was a blast following you on Facebook man. Thanks for taking the time to post it up.

Thanks man! Honestly, I had been working towards being able to be super flexible with my free time for a number of years now and I am just now really being able to capitalize on it. Its been a priority of mine for sometime to simplify and organize my life in a way that is conducive to travelling more and have alot of time off. Now if I could just incorporate a bit more income in there! :sombrero: Like I was saying above, I hope to make this an annual thing and next year I will spend less time in southern Utah likely in exchange for some more time in AZ and So Cal, or better yet Mexico. We should plan to organize something during that time. I need a guide with some local knowledge in that area! Also get Linda healed up so she and Pep and tag along.

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