OK,, so it has been quiet here for a couple of years now.... But that doesn't mean that things have been at a stand still with this project
The Unimog is now finnished, and fully functional, only minor details and improvements remain
February 2020 we got it re-registered as a camper truck with all it's modifications (tires, raised roof, camper body, seating for 6 people, front mounted hydr. winch, cut out in rear wall of drivers cabin+++) This was a big milestone for us to achieve, as there are very few (if any) simmilar amateur-builds in Norway which have been certified like that.
March 2020 we started our Central-Asia trip which had been under planning for over 3 years, The trip was intended to last for 6 months, but after only 2 weeks we had to head back home after reaching the Tatry Mountains in southern Poland, (because of the closed borders and the ongoing crisis due to the Corona pandemic...). Needless to say our timing could have been better...
Now, being back home, we are getting back to our jobs and planning to continue on our journey to Central-Asia, in the spring of 2021 (if travel will be possible again by then...). In the meanwhile we take the camper for short trips around our backcountry and dream of a better future.
Here follows some pics from the build: