Hi FF 4x4,
Thanks for the info.
When its all said and done I am still leaning towards a Bigfoot or Northern Lites camper. Approx $44 K USD. Another $12K to get it here (but can get lots of other stuff in that 40ft HC container as well). Call it 60K USD.
As far as I can tell by looking at the various photos scattered across this site, there is not a whole lot of difference in a custom built back Vs a production line built camper back. The Bigfoot looks pretty nice and comfortable inside with a high quality fit out. The custom built backs dont look like they give a whole lot more room or anything when its all said and done.
The Bigfoot and Northern Lites are made from fiberglass molds in 2 pieces - so better built then the usual camper backs in Nth America (some use wood framing). For this reason I am betting that both of these manufactures campers will go the distance and not have leak and dust intrusion issues on the road.
The only thing I can come up with as to the price differential between the 2 methods is that the camper backs built on a production line have economy of scale working FOR them and the custom backs have the one off time intensive build methods working AGAINST them.
Pros for the camper back approach;
More cost effective
Nice fit and finish
can take the camper off the truck - so have a truck when I need one for usual truck type things that come up from time to time ( would have to setup for this though to make it quick and easy - safe as well)
Can make custom tool boxes to fill in the empty spaces around the camper (so camper and tool boxes built on a frame that lifts off as one unit)
Can sell the camper easier as a separate unit when that time comes (as it will eventually) so I am left with a truck (always useful)
Pros for the custom back approach;
Tight custom fit to the truck chassis.
Custom layout according to my specs
I would love to have my reasoning ripped to shreds here with the wisdom of the forum members who have already gone down one path or the other.
These camper backs look to be about the right length to go on the chassis (about 3.3m for the floor length) with the bed section as cab over (so total length about - 5.5m) .... so in a crew cab where the cab does not tilt this works out well.
Total wieght does not look to bad on these camper backs - about 1500 KG real weight (dry)
Some links to the production campers that are fiberglass 2 piece designs (which I prefer in camper backs)