I have lived in Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania for 15 yrs. I can’t wrap my head around your travel plan idea with seven people in one vehicle for extended periods. Would not be my first suggestion. I’ve traveled extensively with local African colleagues of all levels and would suggest you use two vehicles. An Isuzu truck 4x4 with camper and a second 4x4 double cab pick-up. One of your guys doubles as a driver for pickup. I am guessing that you will find a pickup very convenient to assistant your adventure.
Typically, If you continually find significant roadblocks at the very beginning of your camper plans you need to change the criteria
Good luck
Hi C p,
Its easy to come up with the numbers of people. Me and the wife. I'd like to ditch the wife but she insists on coming along. So thats 2.
5 guys?? Really?? Not that hard to arrive at. Given your experience in Zam, Moz and Tanz then you will know how it works. A guy is needed to keep security at the camp - even while we are there. We need a watchman at night and during the day. Granted a watchman is not going to stop bandits - if they come in to hit us with AK's nothing is going to stop them. But that type of thing is relatively rare. Maybe in the Mountains of the Moon in Eastern Uganda that happens now and then. Along the border with Congo DR that can happen. In TZ, Moz, Zam, Bots, South West it does happen but its not common. What IS very very very very common is the causal thief of opportunity. This is what the watchman is for. Day and night - 2 shifts required. We do this now at our home in town and by the lake up north. I dont know about Moz and TZ as I dont live there but here thats the way it is.
Given our plan is to take 2 quads to get around on when camp is setup, we need a man to sit with the quads when we dismount and go further in on foot. If we dont do this there wont be any quads when we get back to where we left them. Or if the quad itself is not gone there will be no tires or parts left on it. Not joking. You lived here so you get this. Africa just really spins your head around with things like that. So thats 2 guys.(1 guarding camp, 1 guarding the quads) Then I have a serious amount of camera gear to hump into the bush. We will be in the bush for extended hours on foot. So food and water needs to go in with us. Thats 1 guy to carry some food and water. I know you guys outside Africa would not get this, but you try getting an African to go too long without his Nshima (Pap in South, Sudza in Zim - dont know what its called in Moz, Tanz). Honestly, they are not happy chappies unless they get thier mealie meal that Nshima is made from. That leaves 2 guys to carry gear along with me. Not so hard to get to the numbers at all.
I get if you are just sight seeing on holidays passing thru then you dont need what I do. But I am doing this specifically to capture images. An example - my 800mm lens is 17Kg alone ! (Pentax 6x7 f4 800mm - its the f4 part that takes it over the top in size and weight). I have some pretty hard core camera gear to move in and out of the field - Mamiya RZ 67 system, Fuji GX 680 System, Hassleblad FE203 system, Alpa FPS 12 system, Rollei 6008AF system - all with thier own lenses and systems. I am also looking at getting a Sinar 4x5 view camera - so it all adds up. Then we get into digital backs to go on these Medium format cameras - some of these backs cost 20K+ each! so not going to cram them into an overloaded camera bag. I need to spread the load over at least 2 guys + me. Of course not all cameras go out on a day trip - gear is selected for the job that day, but its still a lot of gear to carry.
2 Vehicles ? Pros and cons to that. Nice to have another car if we have a break down. But then again we are not on an around the world trip by ourselves. We live in the middle of Africa. We are pretty central to everywhere from where we are. If we have a break down we will simply sit tight and camp while we wait for mechs to arrive to fix the problem - you would be amazed but breakdowns are always fixed on the side of the road - they even rebuild engines on the side of the road - seriously ! We just need to be patched up to limp home.
Taking a second vehicle over the border ? Ouch!!! what a nightmare. Its bad enough we are taking one vehicle much less two. Then comes the cost. Its expensive to cross borders and take vehicles into neighboring countries. Then I need a guy who can drive it - not as easy as you think if you dont want your nice twin cab ruined.
No - its one truck and a trailer. I cant cut corners on the camera gear - I need the gear i have for quality - I'm shooting large formats. I need security - so cant cut corners there. The wife insists on coming - so stuck there. How do I trim this down? I have given this much thought i can assure you as I sense I need to dumb this down - but how?