Nice job!
Any idea of a good source for carpet like FR used on the top of the drawer unit? Why I ask is...
I'm in the process of building a platform (no drawers, just open space underneath) and am not happy with the carpet I have at the moment. What I have is some carpet I got from
Parts Express that's intended for wrapping portable speakers and such and I'm not confident that it will hold up well.
The plan is to use a 3/4" sheet of plywood, install L-Track around all 4 edges and then another one down the center (front to back), and then install 1/4" sections of carpeted plywood to make for an almost perfectly level surface. I'll also install a vertical piece of 3/4" plywood (also carpeted) in the middle of the platform to give it plenty of support if I need to transport something heavy on top (or use it as a sleeping platform with the rear seats folded down). The platform would be held down to the factory tie down points using turnbuckles, unless I come up with a better solution.
I did a very rough first pass of just sitting a sheet of 3/4" plywood (wrapped in the carpet from Parts Express) on top of the wheel wells (no support in the middle) for my recent trip to Newfoundland as I didn't have time finish the job prior to the trip. It worked out great as we were able to stash smaller items, such as our camera tripods and other camera gear, under the shelf and then put bulkier items, such as duffel bags of clothes and our cooler, on top of the shelf.
I took delivery of the (brand new) G about a week before we left on the trip. I was able to put about 300 miles on before the trip and we added another 3300 over a 2 week period. Very happy with it so far.