Lifetime Social Distancer
Didn't catch you were also in Seattle (sorry to hear, lol. I used to love it here) Yeah I'm open for that, be cool to compare some of our setups. I am going to meet with a van builder in a couple of weeks to get some stuff done professionally, I need to pick his brain on some security ideas. I'll circle back.I also live in Seattle and it is rough. I've had my truck broke into once and someone tried to break into my old camper. I'd be down to meet and spitball ideas.
I've been lucky so far. Last year I had someone get into my truck (can't believe I left it unlocked). My dog woke me up even before my alarm went off. Unfortunately I wasn't able to run down the stairs and get out there quick enough before they were out of eyesight. Damn, I would have loved to catch that MF'er with my Malinois and my good buddy Walther. My truck is parked in my driveway so they are trespassing and a threat.
Junkie got maybe all of $1 in coin.
Sorry for jacking the 🧵
I still do agree that OEV campers are IMO one of the best out there!