They're also nice when everything is turned on to add a bit of warmth to the very white light of the LEDs.
That's an interesting idea with the ambers.
No doubt, I too have found very-white (bluish) LEDs do have very poor distance illumination (all that intense light up close creates too much glare and eye fatigue for me), which pretty much matches with the info Hilldweller posted. For right now I'm sticking with halogen, even if it's not quite as bright right up close.
Much (if not all) of this issue could be solved if companies would quit with the 5000-6500°K CCT LED chips, instead using something in the 3500-4000°K range... My only guess is forces of marketing are what's keeping that from happening (everyone wants to have the hugest lumen claim they can plaster onto their product's packaging, even if the light's color (spectral output) isn't something our eyes are well-adapted to).