Let's be quite clear here. I said, ".....have a sneaky suspicion I know who brought it in; but I'm not telling."
I did not say I "know". That's why I'm not telling. I just got excited because it seemed the rumors I'd heard in a dark alley were true.
Certainly no tizzy caused, so don't worry about it, Errant. No offense taken. The comment was just reminiscent of a now-deleted thread from a few months ago, and I just did not want to explain my position re: AT.
SWITAWI, I thank you if you ever point someone towards an XT140. I was not trying to do someone out of a sale. All I was saying was, that the trailer looked very much like the trailers I investigated from China, which also happen to look a heck of a lot like an AT (I later came to find). Now, I don't know if there are any design infringements, potential patent disputes or whatever, but that is why I'm certainly not going to throw any names around. I can see how my post may have seemed like a tease, but I assure you it was not. I was just trying to share my recognizing the design, and then give some back story.
Either way, it's a nice looking trailer, stylistically, and the idea of a pull-out kitchen is cool, if not a little space intensive. And if the OP wants to know where it's from, I would try calling the toys for tots organizers; maybe they have a name.
So I'll just withdraw quietly, and next time I'll hesitate before I say, "Hey, I've seen that trailer."