Every thought about doing a bunk-bed version to fit more than 2?
Hadn't thought about that but i'm sure for smaller kids it would work ok.
heh... you have those plan's you drew up copywrited? lol
I only wish. No money for copy writing at the moment...
I apologize that a number of ppl have asked, I found your build thread while looking up home built tear drop style trailers. This is by far the best home built version i have found and love it. I joined the forum recently because I joined specifically to post on your thread. I just wanted to get an idea of the width and length more than anything and tire size to just give me a starting point to design my own trailer. I understand if you don't want to share, if I was you I would also think it was fishy. Me and a couple good friends are planning a road/ overland trip and would be leaving 2 summers from now from Vermont travel the states and then to Alaska. I am planning on building a trailer for myself and this is why I asked. Figured I would reply and just give you an idea where I'm coming from. I also think that you should consider building and selling this design or something, by far my favorite of any teardrop style trailer on the market. Have a good one and no offense taken I understand where you are coming from,
Jesse... Thanks for replying. I just want to make sure people are legit before handing out anything. The sides were cut from a 4x8 sheet of 3/4 plywood, it is approx 62" wide, the tires are 31", bed is about 75", 48" between inner fender wells...
Wow... epic read. Just plowed through this from end to end in one sitting. Damn you skilled builders on this forum, you are eating up all my time reading about this stuff!! lol
Seriously, very nice job. Looks like you have some boat builder hiding in you somewhere? Love the shape and the execution. The overall exterior shape is my fav home brew teardrop by far, looks... aggressive and suits the XJ well.
Looking forward to 2.0 man! Cant wait to get my wee M101 CDN2 built up.
Thanks Greg... believe it or not, this was my first major wood working project. If i built another one of these i'd change a few things but the overall shape and concept would be the same. Sawtooth 2.0 will start probably next summer. Its totally different from this one but should be a fun build-
its funny you say that, I found this thread a few months ago and loved the shape, but being 6'1" also I designed my version with a 7' interior and a few more luxuries in the galley. I posted a thread about it a few months ago if you want to take a look at my rendering. StomperXJ is a great craftsman and influence, hopefully one day I'll have the time and money to do my own build.
I'm only 5'11" and its a little short for me as well. Good luck on building your own... i love seeing any kind of build. Glad i could inspire you a little