Offroad Teardrop - SawTooth XL


Jess, as many many people have said... absolutely amazing build. Initially I wanted something bigger (inside kitchen, table, etc). However after seeing this, the compact size, good ground clearance, yet still very usable it's changed my mind.

Can't wait for version 2.


Wow what a great read. I found this thread just before lunch time today and spent the last 4 hours reading it.

I really appreciate you taking the time to document this so thoroughly. A big 2 thumbs up from me. :D


Totally awesome build and the same reason you have i am having also last two trips ruined by the weather. I been searching for the grasshopper plans on the teardrop sites and havent found it? Do you have a link or was it mostly a one off idea? I was thinking of possibly doing a coil suspension just to try something different. I think i have gone through your build 2-3 times now lol. Thanks for any help! Hope to start a build thread after it cools down a little in vegas


Im new here so first of all hello to all. Love the site. Seems like alot of great people with great advise.

Congrats on the new house Jess. Thats a fun project in it self. Amazing trailer! I have bounced the idea of an off road style tear drop in my head for a while. It was awsome to see pics of yours to see size. Did you do any more additions on the inside? If you go for a v2 built i will be glued to your thread.

Take care.

Thanks for the compliments. Nothing has been added yet. Its still under its blue tarp winter home...

Jess, as many many people have said... absolutely amazing build. Initially I wanted something bigger (inside kitchen, table, etc). However after seeing this, the compact size, good ground clearance, yet still very usable it's changed my mind.

Can't wait for version 2.

Thanks. It does work pretty well for how it was designed. The next one will be bigger though as my needs have changed. I'd like to be able to stand up to get dressed for one...

Wow what a great read. I found this thread just before lunch time today and spent the last 4 hours reading it.

I really appreciate you taking the time to document this so thoroughly. A big 2 thumbs up from me. :D


Totally awesome build and the same reason you have i am having also last two trips ruined by the weather. I been searching for the grasshopper plans on the teardrop sites and havent found it? Do you have a link or was it mostly a one off idea? I was thinking of possibly doing a coil suspension just to try something different. I think i have gone through your build 2-3 times now lol. Thanks for any help! Hope to start a build thread after it cools down a little in vegas

This design is pretty much a 1-off trailer based on the shape of a Grasshopper. The grasshopper is a foot longer, a little wider, has a fridge and sink and has no inner fender wells. PM me your email address and I can send you a PDF with overall dimensions of the Sawtooth on it-


Over the last few days I've read through your thread here. Very nice job. Like others here I applaud your efforts, documentation, and design. I dig the look of this thing. Well done. Additionally, as a professional woodworker I will also comment on your newly refined skills. You have embarked on what has been a lifelong journey of mine discovering daily the science of structure craft. This has truely been an entertaining read. We have not only gotten to experience your trailer build, but your struggles, your relationships, and your recoveries. So thanks for that, its been worth the time for sure.

Given my regular use of CPES in my business (we build alot of custom doors and use it as part of our *boat varnish* prefinishing system), I know Steve at Smith Co, the mad scientist behind CPES. He also makes a filler product that accompanies the CPES called Restore-it. I recommend that product for repairing the holes in your skin, its like a bondo, but it bonds with the CPES on a molecular level, much like the CPES bonds into the fibers of the wood. Additionally, when using CPES, it's more advantages to *feed* the CPES to the wood in one coat rather than use numerous coats. The reason behind that is that after the first coat, the wood becomes sealed and additional coats will not penitrate the first. Therefore, it is more effective to flood the wood slowly letting it absorb as much of the CPES as it can possibly accept in the single application literally until the wood will no longer absorb any more. That allows for maximum penitration into the material. Then within 24 hours begin your top coat application. This continues the molecular bond of the topcoat to the wood fiber via the CPES. Steves instructions are a bit hard to follow I know, he's just a bit too smart for the rest of us. But I have had great success with the longevity of finishes by maintaining that molecular chain. Also, look into Epifans topcoats, they are boat finishing products from Holland. Very expensive, but well worth the cost in longevity. Thanks again. Carry On!



you're slipping...


I know.... but I have a good excuse :)


I hope to be done by September...

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
Very nice indeed! Maybe that will motivate the neighbor to replace that tin shed. Looks like it has seen better days.


That is a great looking rig.....the shape is striking!
You should contemplate manufacturing them.
I am pretty sure you will find a market for it.
Myself being a customer for sure.



Very nice indeed! Maybe that will motivate the neighbor to replace that tin shed. Looks like it has seen better days.

Its a rental so they don't care. I do need to put up a fence though so when their 4-5 dogs bark at me I have a little barrier... :rolleyes:

A mans shop IS his castle..

Agreed. Although mine will not have a moat...

replace the paint with some brand of bed liner!!!!

I am going to hopefully do just that TK. I have a brand picked out that has no rubber crumb in it so it will be smooth...

That is a great looking rig.....the shape is striking!
You should contemplate manufacturing them.
I am pretty sure you will find a market for it.
Myself being a customer for sure.

Thanks Benny. Not going to manufacture... way beyond what I want to do with them but I might build some other one-offs to sell at some point in the future-

I am a little further on the shop. I got my trusses set and am starting to button up sheathing, fascia and the like. We have had a lot of days at or above 100*F lately and that makes it hard to stay outside working...


I have been designing a new trailer too but construction won't start until after a few other bigger projects are finished. I have to finish the shop before winter, I'm getting married next June, I'm hopefully going to do a V8 swap on the XJ, repair some stuff on the XL and then I'll start on the next one... It will be worth the wait though. Its going to be awesome....


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