Looking real good there Jess! And by the way, pocket hole jigs rule!
One thing to consider during your construction is that whenever possible a torsion box approach will help strengthen the overall assembly. On the teardrops that I have built I use an appropriately sized plywood router bit to cut dados in the side walls that accept items such as the floor, the bulkhead between the sleeping compartment and the kitchenette, and storage compartments, etc.
The router bit makes for a nice snug fit and when assembled with glue and screws this method of assembly helps to fight against racking forces between the side walls (vertical components - front to back) and the trailer floor, the cupboard floor, the cupboard front and back pieces (vertical and horizontal pieces - side to side).
Keep up the good work, it's going to look great behind your Cherokee and you'll never go back to a tent. At least I'm not going to after having a teardrop.