My latest solar install was bugging me, so removed the panel (by removing the difficult to get to bolts/nuts that attach the panel to the z brackets, as opposed to removing the z brackets from the roof) and installed four additional z brackets that tie into the roof structure better. Was a pain and could have been avoided by doing it right the first time, but now it's done and it isn't going anywhere.
Replaced the orig automatic transfer switch (ATS) with a new one and wired up a second, matching, ATS for the the eventual inverter install. To install the second one, I had to do some rearranging, but it's now mounted with lots of 10/2 coming out of it (main panel or inverter feeds through this ATS to the sub panel (outlets and microwave only)). Thus hook up should be a breeze. I have to pull wire from the ATS to the other side (where the inverter will be located, but just didn't feel like screwing with that today). I'll wire up the sub panel in the AM perhaps while I'm waiting for it to warm up a bit outside.
I could not put it off any longer. Made a big hole in the side of the camper for the second battery box. Nothing too unexpected and it's coming together nicely. The small factory compartment hole (where I'm installing the box) was way bigger than it needed to be and considerably wider than I need in the middle. I've filled the hole (and then some) with 1/2 poplar that I laminated for strength. Just got it covered in plastic before the sun dropped. Heater going so the glue will cure overnight. Tomorrow, I'll start covering the filler with remnant sheathing and fill seams with Marine Tex. The battery box door covers nearly all of it anyway, but I'd rather it look right. Once all done, it will get a new swoosh to tie it all together.
Got the sub wired in (30amp branch from main to second ATS and then to sub). Out of the way, but easily accessible. Now everything is on its own circuit (microwave, galley outlets, cabin outlets from sub, and converter/charger, fridge, AC, WH, and Sub from main). Much better layout.
Finished up the battery hole for the most part. Glued stripes of exterior skin that I scavenged from enlarging the hole vertically, to cover the too wide former hole sides. Filled the voids with Marine Tex and have heat on it for 24hrs+ (loose bag on the outside with heater from the inside directed at the area). I'll have to install the box this afternoon and any Marine Tex touch-ups, if any, will have to wait until Spring and decent temps (hasn't been above freezing for days). They screwed up my batt order, so I'll snag the correct batts tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to wrap up the second batt bank install, along with the inverter install, this weekend, but we'll see. I do hate crawling around in that basement area. Once my wallet cools down in a month or so, I'll add two more panels and a 45 amp mppt controller.