Oh ... just humor the idiot - please


This Space For Rent
Luckily, the girlfriend - will be wife, loves it and furrows her brow when I bring up selling it. One of the many reasons I'm keeping her around :wings:

Well my wife is the same way and loves our rig to death and I can tell you it makes justifying ownership exponentially easier...good on'ya for finding a keeper! If she isn't pressuring you to sell, and you have one vehicle that gets great mileage, than to me it sounds like you just need to manage your time to allow proper use of the truck, and call it good. Besides, by using it less it will last that much longer!



Expedition Leader
Dude! You get offended alot around this place...must be difficult to be so sensitive :sombrero:

The point I was making is that life priorities change, as does the demand for the allocation of funds. If you had $x.xx alotted to vehicles prior to getting married, than you will inevitably have $x.xx - $y.yy available after marriage. Have a kid, and you've got $x.xx - $y.yy - $z.zz^nth power (nth = kinder folk). This is basic math dude. To be a responsible husband and father, you can't maintain the same level of toys and play money output post-commitment as you did pre-commitment. I make plenty of money, as does my wife. When I got married, we bought a house, started saving for retirement, etc etc. These take away from money available to buy toys. We just had a daughter, and the amount of money that has taken from what we had become accustomed to is rather astonishing. Again, another hit to the toy fund. You also can't just disappear out in the woods all the time either....it just doesn't work with the other priorities that present themselves when considering the needs of others in the family. This is my point, and I think it is clear.


Well put, spence, and I have to say, re-reading my post, I realize my wife and kid comment might have been a bit harsh. Slamming them wasn't what I was meaning. I intended to express more of a "if I knew your lifestyle more" maybe I could understand a bit more of the "truck money dissapearing and going towards 'regrettable' expenditures" comment.

Almost like you don't have a say in how money that is half yours, is spent, dude.

More to the point, to tell someone to keep a truck they have admitted does not get used, because they "won't be able to do it again"...just doesn't compute for me...

Just my perspective.

Ruffin' It

I got rid of the dual sport because I couldn't take my dogs with me on it and they go with me to work everyday. Poop.

Thanks everyone for the input. Like I said, I probably won't sell it. I really do love it and I love knowing that, regardless of what sneaks up on me half way through a trail, I will be just fine. But I just feel like an *** sitting on it and not using it like it should be used (no need to say "then use it, **************. I know, I know).

Keep it coming!!!!!!!!!

If you don't owe anything on it I'd keep it. We own a subaru Forester and I used to own a couple GLs when I was in high school. I'm not confident in their longevity if used in rough terrain.
But.....For the love of God man, you live in LA...buy a couple of motos and have at it!:roost:

Ruffin' It

You are a wise, wise man.

I hear this all the time. Seriously, all the time. I have a simple solution. Plan a super neat trip, doens't have to bee a month or even a week. Plan a neat 3-4 day trip into Death Valley or down to Baja. No matter how frusterated I am with vehicles, wanting to change them up, sell them off or simplify, I come home absolutely in love with them. If you come home not appreciating the rig or feeling like it was a waste tro drive it, your decision is made.

I know this doesn't work out in every situation, but seriously if you can't find the time to plan a nice trip tp use it as intended in the next few months, then your right, what is the point of owning it? But don't replace it with a vehicle based on fuel economy alone, becuase that is not the reason your not getting out to use the rig solely I assume. I mean consider that a 15mpg 1FZ Cruiser versus say a 25mpg 4BT Cruiser dollar wise is nothing on weekend trip.

Harald Hansen

My perspective: You only live once, and it doesn't matter how many cool toys you have when it's time to let go. So what I would do (hey, you asked for input, right?) was to sell the LC and put the money towards an awesome trip. Maybe fly to Australia, rent a Land Cruiser and go solo in the Outback a couple of weeks. Or join a guided 4x4 or camel trip into the Sahara. Or fly to London, obtain a real crappy car and join the Mongol Rally.


Expedition Leader
My perspective: You only live once, and it doesn't matter how many cool toys you have when it's time to let go. So what I would do (hey, you asked for input, right?) was to sell the LC and put the money towards an awesome trip. Maybe fly to Australia, rent a Land Cruiser and go solo in the Outback a couple of weeks. Or join a guided 4x4 or camel trip into the Sahara. Or fly to London, obtain a real crappy car and join the Mongol Rally.

This is a great idea.

Same concept as my "sell it and get something you'll use" concept. I want to get him OUT enjoying life, rather than worrying about a stupid truck....

I've been to the Gobi Desert, the Top of the Eiffel tower , I've hiked the great wall, stayed the night in a castle in Slovakia, skied in Vancouver, driven on the wrong side of the road in New Zealand, and last but not least have gone to Disneyland 20 times in one month. haha!

Those are are experiences that I would not trade for anything. They were done in buses, 4x4's, minivans and on my own two feet.



New member
80 series cuiser huh? Well, if it's that much of a burden for ya, I'll make a sacrifice and take it off your hands:D

In all seriousness though, I used to have a 66 mustang that I "had" to sell to go to college. Was it the reasonable desicion? Absolutely. Do I wish I had that car back everytime I see another? Absolutely. Looking back, I guess I can say I made the right choice, but only because that was my only car and I needed more reliable transportation that wasn't a money pit.

It sounds to me like it doesn't cost you anything to keep the LC. In fact, unless you swing a great deal, it might cost you more to replace it. You could take that money to travel a bit instead.

In the end, it's really just up to you to decide what fits you best. I would strongly agree to the advice of taking a trip in the 80 before making any decisions. If, after that, you feel like it would have been just as great of an experience in a Honda Element you have your answer.


Hey Tyler,

I can fully appreciate where you are coming from. Always wanted a 66 GTO growing up. Had a lot of great cars, but not that "one". Finally, scored the one I wanted when my best friend decided to sell his.



I modded it with disc brake conversion, jet-hot coated headers, torque-thrust II wheels, Ram-Air setup, aluminum radiator, you name it.


It was a blast to drive when I found time to drive it, but one day it just came down to a simple acknowledgement to my self that I was never going to drive it more than I did and the pleasure I got from those few times wasn't worth hanging on to it for me.

Ebay'd it, dude in FL scooped it up and I never regretted it for a minute.


Ruffin' It

That is why I live this place

Thanks everyone for the great advice - all of it. We are taking a little trip this weekend and maybe another in December, I will just wait and decide afterward. I'm guessing frustrations at work are conspiring against me to screw up my judgment. I really don't want to sell it, but I don't want to waste it either.

Thanks everyone


Expedition Leader
10-4, buddy. Like I said before, you sound like a smart guy. No doubt you'll make the right choice for you and yours.




Great looking goat...

Superu... Small world. If I am not mistaken, you sold it to a guy in Cape Coral near Fort Myers. How do I know... He had to sell his "Smith" workout gym, to make room to put your car in his garage. I loved the Smith machine and your GTO. He kept the car and I bought the gym...


You GTO is/was incredible and he was sure proud to show it off...

Happy Thanksgiving everybody


Hi David,

That sounds like the guy! He bought it sight unseen on Easter Sunday! Said he had missed out on a couple of others and didn't want to chance another miss.

Glad you like it. It's a great car!

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.


Superu... Small world. If I am not mistaken, you sold it to a guy in Cape Coral near Fort Myers. How do I know... He had to sell his "Smith" workout gym, to make room to put your car in his garage. I loved the Smith machine and your GTO. He kept the car and I bought the gym...


You GTO is/was incredible and he was sure proud to show it off...

Happy Thanksgiving everybody


elements suck! better off with a CRV or even a toy rav4. but, if its paid off, keep it, and buy the cheaper one anyway. save the fj for those special trips!


Some people have a gun in the house even though they know they will likely never use it. Some people have a couple hundred bucks worth of medicine in their cabinet even though they won't use most of it. Maybe a $900 winch on a bumper that will get used once or twice . . .

That's why I got a Landcruiser. I will never use it to its capabilities, but like knowing it's there if/when I need it.

How about just losing the lift and 35s and making it a little more friendly? If you can't part with the 35s, I don't see you being happy with an Element or Subaru. Good luck with your decision, whatever you decide. There is no wrong answer - just different justifications.

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