So, over the past year or so I have parused Craigslist and other online want ads on a semi-regular basis always on the lookout for a great deal. I have purchased 3 Norcold fridges off my local Craigslist all of the older TecII models but in good shape and working. There were 2 30qt models and a 40qt model all purchased for under $350. The 40 qt model now belongs to my friend John and I have kept the 2 30 qt models. One of these 30qt coolers is now equipt with a TwoZone which nearly doubled my capacity. This was a great addition but it seems that my family of 5 can quickly push even this expanded versions available cooling space on a 3 day campout.
So, as it goes, I've benn watching CL again and just happened upon what may be exactly what we've been looking for in terms of long excursion food storage. An 86qt EdgeStar just fell in my lap for a VERY good price. The add was on it's last day before expiring and I couldn't believe that it was still available at the advertised price of $399. Of course me being the miser that I am I sent a quick email asking if the cooler was still available and a much lower offer, figuring that I likely couldn't go wrong based on the quick reading that I did here about Expo member's experiences with this new brand. To my surprise after a 3 day wait I received a response from the seller that the cooler was indeed still available and a slightly higher counter offer. I of course jumped and headed over to pick it up.
HOLY CRAP this thing is huge!! I will have to get pics up to show the true size but damn... we will never suffer from needing more fridge space EVER again. Now I need to get to building my custom trailer just to haul this bad boy around.
I just wanted to stop in and say thank you to the Portal members who've gone before me and posted their experiences with these products as it helped me make what I believe to be the correct informed decision.
So, as it goes, I've benn watching CL again and just happened upon what may be exactly what we've been looking for in terms of long excursion food storage. An 86qt EdgeStar just fell in my lap for a VERY good price. The add was on it's last day before expiring and I couldn't believe that it was still available at the advertised price of $399. Of course me being the miser that I am I sent a quick email asking if the cooler was still available and a much lower offer, figuring that I likely couldn't go wrong based on the quick reading that I did here about Expo member's experiences with this new brand. To my surprise after a 3 day wait I received a response from the seller that the cooler was indeed still available and a slightly higher counter offer. I of course jumped and headed over to pick it up.
HOLY CRAP this thing is huge!! I will have to get pics up to show the true size but damn... we will never suffer from needing more fridge space EVER again. Now I need to get to building my custom trailer just to haul this bad boy around.
I just wanted to stop in and say thank you to the Portal members who've gone before me and posted their experiences with these products as it helped me make what I believe to be the correct informed decision.