That's not quite true. And frankly backwards, in the desert. Your truck can run on potable water. You cannot run on antifreeze.
this is actually false, I spent several years in deserts far worse than any of the desserts her in the Americas. Seeing temps of upwards of 130 degrees during the day and cooling off to a sweltering 100 by day break.
I can't count how many cooling system failures I repaired due to "water". (Water being any form of water other than a 50/50 mix of glycolyseran.). 1) Water doesn't contain the cooling properties of gloclyseran, hence its nickname coolant. 2) Water mixed with oxygen promotes rust. Combine water, oxygen and heat and, rust deposits start developing in water gallies. The rust deposited move through the gallies plugging up the smaller ones, move on to things like thermostats causing them to stay shut, and even leads to water pump failures.
Coolant on the other hand has anti rust inhibitors to help stop rust from forming. It also helps neutralize rust that is already present in the cooling system.
If you are going to top off your rig with water to get home, make sure to test your coolant to make sure it's the right mix. If it's not, then drain some out out and re-top off the cooling system with pure coolant. It's better to be mixed to rich than too lean.