Ollie's "BugEater" Build


Renaissance Redneck
Where are you taking that thing? The moon? I'm sure the shuttle has less gadgets and a lower budget!:eek:


My wife thought that your fridge was an ATM.

i get people saying that my snorkel is all sort of wierd things, but the wierdest to me was a lady thought it was an airconditioner. its funny though i get a ton of older like 75 and up ladies that say that my snorkel is neat. now how the hell do they know what it is and these younger people dont haha


Where are you taking that thing? The moon? I'm sure the shuttle has less gadgets and a lower budget!:eek:

I lead quite a few runs. I tell people that if I take them in I will get them out. I like to be prepared. It also gives my wife piece of mind when our son ( 5yrs old) is with me. She can usually tell where we're at 24/7.

Nice build-up. Did the fender bulge issue ever get resolved on the FJC's?

Not really. Mine are pretty busted up. I've seen worse but they're still bunged up. I also know guys who haven't had the issue. 95% of the time the bulges start due to a hard hit on a whoop. Once it starts all bets are off because you've weakened that area. I know the exact time I started by fender buldge. At times I can still feel it in my teeth. :)


Not really. Mine are pretty busted up. I've seen worse but they're still bunged up. I also know guys who haven't had the issue. 95% of the time the bulges start due to a hard hit on a whoop. Once it starts all bets are off because you've weakened that area. I know the exact time I started by fender buldge. At times I can still feel it in my teeth. :)

Ya... I know what you mean. I had an '07 FJC that had one bulged inner fender... buckled the inner fender when I hit a pothole. A lousy pothole should not buckle the sheet metal. When Toyota told me that I "abused" the truck and that they weren't going to address the issue, I took the easy way out and sold the truck. It's really a shame that Toyota isn't owning up to the existing issue. I miss my FJC... but the 100 series isn't all that bad either.

Again, sweet build... very well equipped and laid out. :wavey:


Yeap, definitely nicely set up rig! Now show Us where you've been... Wanna see it on at trail!

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Just here...
when the fit hits the shan I'll be prepared.:smiley_drive::sombrero:

My goodness, thats a lot of stuff you have inside that truck. Just out of curiosity, what exactly is going to hit the fan in San Diego? Do you know something we dont? :Wow1:


I would agree that you are very well set up. Not much you could not deal with!


You are missing two mods! A "Bug Eaters" ball cap and a HUSKER sticker! GO BIG RED!!!!

The "Huskers" sticker is on the amplifier on the rear cage and my son wears the "Huskers" hat on every trip. He even wears it to school on the playground.:)

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is going to hit the fan in San Diego? Do you know something we dont? :Wow1:

I don't know but whatever it is, I'l be prepared.:smiley_drive:

Yeap, definitely nicely set up rig! Now show Us where you've been... Wanna see it on at trail!

Alta Ghost Town Trail
Animas Forks
Black Bear Pass
California Gulch
Cinammon Pass
Clear Lake
Corkscrew Gulch
Engineer Pass to Lake City
Governor Basin
Imogene Pass
Last Dollar Road
Ophir Pass
Poughkeepsie Gulch
Stony Pass
Yankee Boy Basin

Golden Spike

Hell's Revenge
Kokopeli Trail
Poison Spider
Top of the World

Arroyo Seco Del Diablo / Diablo DropOff / Broken Shaft Gulch
Arroyo Tapiado
Blair Valley / Little Blair Valley
Burns Canyon
Calico (Odessa / Doran / Mule Canyon)
Carvacre / Wisecarver / Pancake Rock
Carrizo Gorge Road / Kane Springs Road
Cleghorn / Pilot Rock / Willow Creek Road
Dos Cabezas Road / Montero Wash
Elliot Mine
Fonts Point / Short Wash
Gold Mountain
Grapevine Canyon / Culp Valley
Heartbreak Ridge

Hungrey Valley OHV
Lower Coyote Canyon / Sheep Canyon / Middle Meadows
Mojave Road
Ocotillo Wells SRVA
Oriflamme Conyon / Chariott Canyon / Rodriguez Canyon
Otay Mountain Truck Trail / Minnewawa Truck Trail / Marron Valley Road
Painted Gorge (Carrizo Mountain) / Cliffhanger Trail
Plaster City OHV
Pontiac Loop
Rattlesnake Canyon
Split Mountain / Fish Creek / Fossil Creek / Sandstone Canyon
Superstition OHV
Table Mountain / Mountain Springs Stagecoach Trail
Vallecito Wash / Carrizo Wash / Carrizo Creek
White Mountain


I've got a bit into it. I have a bunch of guys at work that drive Corvettes. They are always talking about their cars and how much they paid for them. I just laugh. It might get them 0 to 60 faster but when the fit hits the shan I'll be prepared.:smiley_drive::sombrero:

Ha! I traded in my Corvette on my FJC. I'll tell you, it's a lot cheaper to mod a FJC than it is a Corvette.

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