This time I added some chile peppers and used teriyaki sauce instead of soy sauce.
Came out great,
All dehydrated veggys
green beans
chilie peppers
ground flax seed
aka gout. FWIW, acute gout is nothing like mild arthritis. Think of a dagger jammed in your joint and @ the most inopportune time twisted for 'affect'. Yes, it's that painful.perfect for removing uric acid (crystalizes into your joints, feels similar to mild arthritis)
Have been eating a great trail mix with wasabi peas, they grab your attention.
Best thing is the kids don't want any nor does the wife so more for me
I think I'll get some of those just to tell the kids in camp that it's rabbit poo.......
If it's a long trip and I'm traveling solo (i.e. need to stay awake and watch surroundings) chocolate-covered espresso beans have been awesome. Just watch, though, sometimes airport security will not like them.
I think I'll get some of those just to tell the kids in camp that it's rabbit poo...
I've made sprouts on the road too. I found a jar that fit in the cup holder and fit with the sprouter lid available at any health food store and most big boxes. It takes a couple days but its nice to have some fresh produce.