"One Piece At A Time" Build


It does pop up about an inch, works ok. Not anywhere remotely close to as well as a Maxx fan or equivalent but I don't have a flat 14" spot on my roof with a corresponding space in my headline to cut it out. So to install a full-size id have to gut my roof trim. It moves some air and all my side windows open so thats nice.


Finally got around to cutting out my ladder design. WAY nicer than climbing up the spare tire. Working on a few accessories for it too. Dishwashing station and shower attachments are first up. Id change a few things cosmetically but overall I love it.

Pics are from mockup. Final assembly will be powder coated and have washers on the bolts. Thesecond picture shows it touching the body. That was prior to the lower mount. Spaced about an inch off now.



Expedition goofball
That ladder can hold 400# but you only weight 145? LOL
I think it might be overkill haha. But looks ************!


I really like this. As others have stated, I too have day dreamed about converting a 1/2 ton conversion van. I think this would be perfect for some family trips while the kids are still young, before they start to hate us. I looked through the thread but didn't see mileage mentioned. What do you think you're getting with the 5.4, 4.10, and 35's combo? I ask because I had an '02 4x4 F150 supercrew with 285s that would get 13/14 mpg. Just wondering how much worse if any, the converted van is. Thanks. It looks awesome.


Ehh it varies from 10-14 depending on driver, terrain and cruise speed. I had to teach my wife to not try and race every car up the mountains. Cruising in the slow lane is a bit of a mindset, just because I can go 85 doesn't mean I have to. She was upset when she only got 9 on her first tank through. She backed off the Go pedal and it bumped up to 11.5


Still been using and enjoying the van. Little tweaks here and there just keep making it better.

Dish Storage and drying was on my priority list. Cut out my side door a while back and finally got it trimmed out. Works pretty well, no rattles except for the silverware, gotta redesign that holder.



As Pirate4x4 would say "pictures of me towing stuff"

Took the Van fly fishing with my brother in laws, this is the monster he caught

Annnndddd.....my fish

More upgrades coming, stay tuned
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I got these from another post on ExPo, so not my idea, but here is how they added photos (sadly, I copied the instructions into a Word document, but not the link I got them from ) - Ive tried it and it works, but it is tendious - not like photobucket

Instructions for Inserting Google photos into Forum Posts:

Go in your Google drive account and find the photo you want to share.
• Double-click the photo so that it appears full size in the middle of the screen.
• Click on the 3 dots at the top right to open the menu and choose "Share".
• Make sure the top right "Get shareable link" is on.
• Click "Copy link".
• Open another tab or webpage and go to the Google Drive Direct Link Generator.
• Paste the link from your google drive to the "Enter your sharing URL" field.
• Click on the "Create direct link" button.
• Click anywhere in the "Output link" field. It should be fully selected. If not, press Ctrl-A.
• Press Ctrl-C (or right click and click on "Copy").
• Come back to the Expedition Portal and click on the "Insert Image" button.
• In the pop-up, go in the "From URL" tab.
• Click in the field and press Ctrl-V (or right click and click on "Paste").
• Click "Ok"
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