I got these from another post on ExPo, so not my idea, but here is how they added photos (sadly, I copied the instructions into a Word document, but not the link I got them from ) - Ive tried it and it works, but it is tendious - not like photobucket
Instructions for Inserting Google photos into Forum Posts:
Go in your Google drive account and find the photo you want to share.
• Double-click the photo so that it appears full size in the middle of the screen.
• Click on the 3 dots at the top right to open the menu and choose "Share".
• Make sure the top right "Get shareable link" is on.
• Click "Copy link".
• Open another tab or webpage and go to the Google Drive Direct Link Generator.
• Paste the link from your google drive to the "Enter your sharing URL" field.
• Click on the "Create direct link" button.
• Click anywhere in the "Output link" field. It should be fully selected. If not, press Ctrl-A.
• Press Ctrl-C (or right click and click on "Copy").
• Come back to the Expedition Portal and click on the "Insert Image" button.
• In the pop-up, go in the "From URL" tab.
• Click in the field and press Ctrl-V (or right click and click on "Paste").
• Click "Ok"