EDIT, sideways pictures. I tried rotating and saving in my phone/computer. Any pro Tips?
We've got 2 trips planned in the near future so I added a few tweaks to the van. Spring Van Camp in early March, and headed out west in early April.
I mounted an MV-50 compressor under the van. Filling trailer/motorcycle/car tires will be its main gig. I rewired it with heavier gauge cable and wired it to a switch inside. Happy with it so far.
I also build Version 2.0 of my ladder. Replaced the 3/4" holes with 1.5" dimpled holes. Sold version 1.0 to a friend.
I also ordered an awning (eBay knockoff) its 8'x8' totally love the extra space. Made 3 mounts that span from the gutter to the roof rack to mount it on.
And since we finished our Sawmill build (did I post sawmill pictures in here?) I milled a new deck for my old trailer.