I can't say as I've ever really worried about anything not on two legs or that couldn't be handled by a .38, i.e. feral dogs, on the east coast. I have carried larger guns before but it was just because I wanted to. Obviously I'd carry something larger and higher capacity if we had brown bears or I was near the southern border. Almost all of the unsavory sort of critters I've run across while hiking and backpacking were at trailheads.
yep, all about what you need to prepare for.
Around here we have cats, coyotes, black bear, wolf, and grizzly.
And working down that list, in that order, the more curious/troublesome/dangerous.
There are always weirdos in the back-country though, and I treat everyone with respect based upon my own and my groups safety.
I've never had a serious confrontation, certainly never enough to draw a firearm, but just having it open carried is probably enough for any potential opportunistic threat.
We do tend to steer well clear of popular areas though, so encounters with other people is few and far between.
Still, actual threat or not, our safety is first and foremost, so I dont encourage much interaction on the trail beyond friendly hello's and chat about trail/pass conditions.
We were born and raised right in the Owens Valley, and grew up backpacking the High Sierra.
Talk about weirdos. I remember at one point years ago, the wilderness there was regarded as a haven for baddies.
There are just so many places to hide, and all within a day or two of one of the small towns.
So we have always carried firearms, legally or not.