Open Carry in Wilderness Areas


I wish someone could come up with a chest rig that would attach to the shoulder straps of your backpack

The Gunfighter Kenai has no buckles that interfere with the backpack straps and more importantly, no buckles or bunched fabric on your back to dig into your back under the pack. Having the gun in a separate holster setup is nice for when you get to camp and drop the pack to still have a way to keep the gun on you.

Maybe this one would work if you really wanted a pack mounted gun.


Pack mounted gun is pretty easy with a standard belt holster...

Just use the hip-belt.

That's all I do. And once in camp, I swap it over to my regular pants belt.

Also, quick google search provided this article.

Gives you some ideas. Im not so keep on the "special" holsters though.
I use a very lightweight generic padded nylon holster, that I modified to fit the gun more snugly to reduce movement while on the go.


Grumpy Old Man
Agree with IdaSHO. I carry cross draw (gun on left side for right handed shooter), no interference with pack.


Actually, if you're looking to carry a good-sized revolver for wilderness defense (ie anti-predator duties) a good leather chest rig is the way to go: good accessibility and its a better place to handle that weight versus your waist or thigh. Guide's Choice chest holster is the go-to brand for the dedicated outdoor carry types: Guide's Choice Leather Holster

I just picked up one for my .357 magnum S&W; very good quality and a very ingenuous, but simple to use, adjustment system. Pricey, but well-worth the money. Also, hand-made in Alaska; the shop owner knows his craft and builds these things to last in very inhospitable environments.

Thigh rigs, in my mind, are a good option if chest or waist carry isn't practical (like when carrying a combat load). They're not ideal for moving fast, but they work well enough on patrol.

Are you allowed to carry shotguns and rifles in the wilderness up north? I noticed that Expedition Overland brought a 12 gauge shotgun on their Yukon trip.
Yes, if you are licensed you can carry any non-resteicted firearm (typical rifle and shotgun) in the back country. We actually do not have much restriction regarding long guns at all. Handguns and AR types are considered restricted and (for the most part) limited to being taken to, and used at gun ranges.

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Well-known member
I’ve never understood the attraction to a Judge. It’s a terrible revolver and a terrible shotgun, it really does nothing well in an attempt to do everything a little bit.

It's my home defense weapon (3" cylinder), where it works very well - quicker to handle than a shotgun, easier to secure with wee ones running around, and better spread at close range. I load it with four 000-Buck and one .45 Colt at home. I'll occasionally carry it in deep black bear/mountain lion territory (all 000-Buck) but yeah, it's not an ideal weapon except in pretty narrow use cases. When you need five 9mm projectiles to be in the air at one time it works great. My buddy calls it a "novelty gun" like the Desert Eagle .50. But with familiarity and practice it's as good as any other.


Gentleman Adventurer
I have a Judge as my under the table loaded up with 000 buck . Within home sized distances, I believe that getting hit with 4 9mm projectiles will be devastating. Needless to say I have spent a good amount of range time with the Judge.


Needless to say I have spent a good amount of range time with the Judge.

Impressed. That's like saying "I've spent a good amount of time catching Albert Pujol's bat mid-flight". I'm in awe of anyone that can mess with such things accurately.


Gentleman Adventurer
The Judge is not really all that hard to shoot well. One just has to keep in mind it's purpose and limitations . I would never think of carrying it outside.


Gentleman Adventurer
The Judge is not really all that hard to shoot well. One just has to keep in mind it's purpose and limitations . I would never think of carrying it outside.


Gentleman Adventurer
The Judge is not really all that hard to shoot well. One just has to keep in mind it's purpose and limitations . I would never think of carrying it outside.

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