Operation Backyard Discovery


Thank you guys for all the great feedback! is fun to see people are enjoying the pictures as much as I enjoying being out, and browsing through other peoples trips. I can only say If its been your life long dream to go out on the open road, DO IT! There are many reasons you will find to hold you back; Your job, your lifestyle, you mortgage payments, but all I can say is find a way. Even if you can only be on the road for one month, find a way. I always tell people what I want to do. Some people hold their dreams deep inside but I have always believe that it is in our nature to help one another. If you don't tell others your dreams, how are they suppose to help you accomplish them? Anyways, Today was the shortest day in Alaska so I decided to go on a little drive towards the sun. I am most definitely missing the sun being high in the sky. We are only getting horizontal sunlight from about 1030 to 330. After today, the days will start to get longer and I am surely exited to see the summer months. There is a lot of Alaska that I still need to explore but without having a camper and heat, single digit nights makes the winter really harsh for camping. for now, day trips will do.
short day.jpg


We will be wandering around your part of the world next year - can't wait to get there after seeing some of those pics...

cheers - Justin and Jen

Thanks for the positive stuff! what an amazing trip you guys have blogged!


Went out on another cruise today. I need to get some self recovery gear now so I can truly get into the wild. Arb Bumper and winch are on the list of goodies.
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New member
You certainly picked a great place to end up, we just moved to AK and are finding some of the same trails you are. There is a never ending list of stuff to do up here and it seems like the list of AK-specific stuff you need is just as vast. I need to trade my dirtbike for a 4 wheeler, add fat tires to my bike, and of course add one of those sweet roof top tents to the rig. I'm in Anchorage in a red '11 4 runner with a yakima roof rack, I'll keep my eyes peeled for your land cruiser. Glad to hear flight school is going well, the opportunities up here are endless. I've got to put in a plug for helicopters to anyone just starting out in aviation, I've flown them all over the world and loved ever second of it. If you get the chance to take anything with rotors out for a flight during your course you've got to do it and see what it's like to abandon the world of runways.

Suns out today for a few more hours, time to hit the trails. Enjoy it.


Fantastic! I just saw this thread, and until March, i thought you got lost. Then it was all over the place for y'all two!

What are you plans for 2016?


New member
That's a great plan. Some of my friends are also organized a similar fashion travel plan and I've become inspired to join with them after exploring and reading through this nice travel related post.


You certainly picked a great place to end up, we just moved to AK and are finding some of the same trails you are. There is a never ending list of stuff to do up here and it seems like the list of AK-specific stuff you need is just as vast. I need to trade my dirtbike for a 4 wheeler, add fat tires to my bike, and of course add one of those sweet roof top tents to the rig. I'm in Anchorage in a red '11 4 runner with a yakima roof rack, I'll keep my eyes peeled for your land cruiser. Glad to hear flight school is going well, the opportunities up here are endless. I've got to put in a plug for helicopters to anyone just starting out in aviation, I've flown them all over the world and loved ever second of it. If you get the chance to take anything with rotors out for a flight during your course you've got to do it and see what it's like to abandon the world of runways.

Suns out today for a few more hours, time to hit the trails. Enjoy it.

Rad man are you a helicopter pilot up here in anchorage? would love to chat man. My plan is to get my fix wing commercial and jump right into rotor commercial, this way I can have my dual rating. My goal has always been flying helicopters so I have that bug just making my way to it. How long you been up here?


Fantastic! I just saw this thread, and until March, i thought you got lost. Then it was all over the place for y'all two!

What are you plans for 2016?

Glad you are enjoying it! man 2016 sounds like soo far away, not even sure what we are doing tomorrow. Not sure exactly what our plans are. We have been enjoying Alaska very much but we are definitely missing a lot of the lower 48 and the accessibility of living in the main land. We are contemplating moving at the end of the summer and finishing up some of the flying ratings in the lower 48. We love warm weather, seasons, and the ocean.... We didn't want to leave Santa Barbara when we went through. not much seasons there but more like perfect weather all year round! who knows what 2016 will bring but I do know that It will be exiting


New member
Excellent choice, I've been up here since July and haven't flown since I got out of the USAF last year and miss it every day. These civilian helicopters are quite a bit different than what I'm accustomed to but look like a blast. I'm taking the military competency test soon, then might transfer all the military ratings to FAA up here, who knows.


Well.... Looks like my school won't be offering instrument rating in the summer so I won't be able to finish my private rating at the end of this semester and smoothly continue into my instrument unless I wait until after the summer for the next semester to start. We are going to be moving to Colorado so I can continue to fly into the summer for my instrument rating and by the end of the year I will have my commercial rating and continue into my CFI. I was able to quickly get a truck, which was the first step sense we sold ours and now we need to tow everything back down. We love Alaska but are exited to be moving by the end of April.. OH adventures. I have to say I had the best wife ever! she has been such a good sport working and being very supportive with our decision to move again. The truck turned out to be a great find, and being that it got a little stressful right when I was finding out about school, it was a great sign showing us that things will work out smoothly.
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So...We didn't move to Colorado. We are in Bend Oregon. Finished up instrument rating and now working on commercial. It seems fit to update a tread that is under '' In progress adventures'' Why? Because it truly has been an adventure and it continues to feel like one.. We have not been on the road continuously like many here are, but then again, we keep moving around unlike most. Though we have been living in Bend for the past 6 months, we are now planning our new life on wheels. We bought a 4x4 motorhome in Canada that used to be a California rig and drove it down. We are prepping it to get gussied up, but all hopes of progress on the project have been successfully thwarted by a winter storm. freezing temperatures and soupy snow have kept us from tearing into it too much but a lot of internet shopping has been done. Once this weather lets up we will be able to knock it out pretty fast. lots of pictures to come. What is the plan? Stop paying such ridiculous rent, move into a Home that will allow us to take it anywhere on the weekend, and once again have economical freedom.

Future Home
12v cummins 4x4 5 speed



Sure lets eat more Alaskan Salmon why not

This is Tubby. He has travel down the Alaskan highway twice now, what a champ. :)

When in Bend



Currently peeling off those awesome pink and aqua 90s decal New tires on the way too!

*It is not the destination but the journey that is important. Have a vision, and secure yourself a stable future but!! do not spend your whole life living for it. Once the future comes, if you lived for the journey,you will be right where you need to be.*

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