Oregon: Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route 3, June 28 - July 3, 2014

Bill Beers

Day One, 6/28/14

I was fortunate enough last summer to join a great group of people to tackle Route 3 of the Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route. Just shy of 400 miles, Route 3, The Crown Jewels, runs from Hoodoo to Dorris, California.

On Saturday, 6/28, we met on I-5 at the rest stop just south of I-205. From there, we formed a caravan heading south, then east on HWY 22, stopping for gas in Detroit Lake.

At the trail-head:

We started out as a very large group, 10 trucks and 3 bikes, and though a few had to bow out along the way, we finished with 6 trucks and one of the bikes. Weather the first day was overcast, and as things were pretty damp, we didn't have too much dust.

Mike's Bronco followed by Mike's Grand Cherokee!

Dave following the G-wagen.

Jason talking to Dave, (maybe giving him some driving advice?)

Crossing HWY 242 headed south.

Getting on towards dinner time the first day, near sisters, we encountered too many trees down across the road we were on to chop through and had to find an alternate route. We did, though it had a very narrow spot to get through. Jason called on the radio that he didn't think the 4-runner w/trailer would make it through. I responded that if his giant Suburban made it than the 4-runner definitely would. That was until I saw that the tree(s) were down at angles across the road. Someone had previously opened it up enough for cars to get though, but Jason had to bust out his saw to get the trailer through.

There was a great view to enjoy while we were waiting though!


Bill Beers

Oregon: Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route 3, June 28 - July 3, 2014, Day 2

Day 2, 6/29/14.

Heading south.

We stopped for a break along a cold river, (I think one of the forks of the Santiam?) One of the guys took this opportunity to do the ice-bucket challenge!

Eventually, we were at a high enough elevation, with enough shade to find some snow!

I think I was third or fourth in line at this point in the Landcruiser. I was following Nate in the door-less Cherokee, who didn't take the same line over the snow berm as did the Suburban on 36" did. I tried the Suburban's line, and it didn't work out. Nate tried to pull me over it, but eventually Kevin, in the Red Rover, pulled me back off it. I moved a couple feet to the side and drove right over.

After that, it was smooth sailing.

That night, we found a dispersed site, and settled in.

Bill Beers

Oregon: Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route 3, June 28 - July 3, 2014, Day 3

Day 3, 6/30/14.

One think I like about camping is getting up early. My daughter though, she likes to sleep in regardless of where she is.

While the adults made breakfast, and broke down camp, the kids found other things to do.

Heading south again.

I'm kicking myself for not writing this up sooner, because I can't remember everything that happened, and when. I know we ducked into Bend for fuel and one point, and Wes, (in the 4-runner w/trailer,) headed back home, as did Will in the other 4-runner, (I think it was this morning.) I'll have to keep a log next time, or at least some notes!

We stopped for lunch at Wikiup Reservoir and did some playing in the water. We got ice there at the store, and pointed our trucks south again.

By this time, my girls were quite tired, and didn't seem to mind the gravel.

We chanced across a huge cinder pit that was butted right up against a lava flow, and stopped again to rest, explore, and take it all in.

We crossed HWY 58, and spent the night at Crescent Lake.

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Bill Beers

Oregon: Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route 3, June 28 - July 3, 2014, Day 4

Day 4, 7/1/14.

Day 4 took us from Crescent Lake, to Huckleberry Mountain. Along the way, we stopped at National Creek falls, which was a nice cool spot to relax.

Rogue Dog just couldn't get up on this rock!

These two ran all the way back up the hill to the parking lot!

At some point, (and I apologize, but I can't remember which day we drove it,) we ended up on a "nice" power-line road. Up until this point, I was sure I could have taken my Tercel on this route, but the power-line road disabused me of that notion!

Mike was having fueling problems with is Bronco the whole time, and the low speeds and heat of the power-line road really put a strain on the old Ford. He had to shut down often to let it cool off. Eventually, he threw in the towel and headed home. We saw his sad facebook picture/post the next day:

At some point, Nate drove over something that punctured his tire, but a quick plug and fill-up with air, and he was back on his way.

We camped that night at an old CCC camp on Huckleberry mountain.


Bill Beers

Oregon: Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route 3, June 28 - July 3, 2014, Day 5

Day 5, July 2, 2015.

We left Huckleberry Mountain, headed for Prospect to get gas and ice. They had gas, but no ice, so back up the highway to Union Creek for ice. That settled, we headed south again.

Stopping along the road for lunch.

A bit of pavement headed in to Hyatt lake.

This squirrel is really interested in whatever Jerry has in is saddlebags, (at Hyatt Reservoir.)

Bill Beers

Oregon: Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route 3, June 28 - July 3, 2014, The Last Day

Day Six, July 3, 2014.

Hyatt Reservoir to Dorris, CA isn't too big a day. Tack on Dorris to PDX, and it makes it a pretty big day!

The night before, Jason, Mike, and Nate had pushed on to the Klamath River, and rolled into Dorris, (and subsequently home,) a few hours ahead of the rest of us.

Out on the trail, we found a great overlook of the Klamath River.

The alternator in the Red Rover had been acting up the previous day, and when we started to head out for the last couple miles into California, it died completely. Fortunately, I'd finished installing a second battery into the Landcruiser prior to this trip. We swapped out my good one for his bad one. I thought we might be able to get a new alternator in K-falls, but both the Rover owners thought it unlikely that one would be found. We ended up swapping the batteries back and forth, about every 100 miles, all the way back to Portland.

We made it to Dorris, and everyone had burgers, shakes and fries across from the tallest flagpole east of the Mississippi. We were tired and dirty, but feeling pretty good about having driven half the state mostly off-road.

I'll have to see if the family is up for another of the Oregon Backcountry Routes this summer.


Expedition Leader
Thanks very much for the photos and the information. Very nice of you to share the trip.


Great trip! It's been forever since I've seen such a diversity of vehicles in a group. Thanks for posting!


Great Trip

It looks like you all had a great time. Families exploring together builds strong relationships. I am just going to have to break away and explore that route.

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