aardvarcus: yeah, good point, I was thinking of doing a few vent holes that might suck up some air and push it through to the back, maybe that would be a good solution, when i get to that part of the project I will have to see how it all pans out.
UHAULER: yeah, I miss the snow being in nevada now, although the -20 is still cold. I thought about that, but man oh man are they expensive, well see what my cheapest price is. Also something to note, I went to pull it out to inspect it and it won't even come out of the tank, I think its expanded (the plastic) from the ethenol in the fuel, I litterally doesn't fit, I'll have to break it to get it out.
cowboy, well you like this next post then, it really is fitting together quite nicely. I couldn't ask for a better fitting tanke from a junkyard really. Thanks also, nice words help keep the inspiration up, even with the monumental amount of grinding still needed to be done.
02Tahoe: Thank you very much for the nice words. That is awesome to hear about the ARB, i so far haven't had another encounter, but its there ready to go when it does happen. And actually thats not a bad idea, honestly never really thought about that. If you've done that I would love to see a picture of the results of that endeavor. MORE PROJECTS!!!!
UHAULER: yeah, I miss the snow being in nevada now, although the -20 is still cold. I thought about that, but man oh man are they expensive, well see what my cheapest price is. Also something to note, I went to pull it out to inspect it and it won't even come out of the tank, I think its expanded (the plastic) from the ethenol in the fuel, I litterally doesn't fit, I'll have to break it to get it out.
cowboy, well you like this next post then, it really is fitting together quite nicely. I couldn't ask for a better fitting tanke from a junkyard really. Thanks also, nice words help keep the inspiration up, even with the monumental amount of grinding still needed to be done.
02Tahoe: Thank you very much for the nice words. That is awesome to hear about the ARB, i so far haven't had another encounter, but its there ready to go when it does happen. And actually thats not a bad idea, honestly never really thought about that. If you've done that I would love to see a picture of the results of that endeavor. MORE PROJECTS!!!!