Our Kingdom Camping Trailer Build


Active member
And the beat goes on. The chassis is almost complete and above the floor work will begin this week. So far, we're still on track for a move in by April 1st. Our current New Horizons 5th wheel was a custom build 11 years ago, but we didn't have near the access to every detail of the build as we're getting now. By the time we take delivery, we'll know where every fastener, wire, plumbing, heating, etc. component is located, where it's going, and where it's been. As you look through this build, the specs, and all the photos, keep in mind that this trailer is coming in under $100k. That's still an expensive RV, but it represents a pretty darn good value compared to what's currently available in the larger GVWR dual axle off road market. It's also not a bad price for a trailer we will be living in fulltime for the next ten years and use every day.

Here are some photos. There are A LOT more photos and detail here: Kingdom Camper Build Parts I,II,III

It's fun to see a CruiseMaster ATX suspension installed on your trailer rather than just in an Internet marketing pic!





Well-known member
This is an incredible build Tra-Farmors! To say a better value then " current duel wheeled...market" is the largest understatement known to mankind" (i.e IO). Looking forward to every detail you are willing to throw at us. Shout out to Kingdom for working with you.


Active member
There's just too much mystery out there about how these off road trailers are built. People make claims, but the videos and pictures they show never seem to tell the whole story. We'll probably be showing more about how the sausage is made than we should, and that will probably open us up to some criticism about what we're doing, but the final result will be a trailer built to meet our needs exactly. There's also too much variance between dealers when it comes to pricing, what's a base model, and what upgrades/modifications cost. This is a trailer with everything we could think of incorporated into it that is still under $100k. People could subtract some things we've done, add others that suite them, and still be under $100k.


Well-known member
So basically other "duel wheeled trailers" are at 40-60 k dealer and MFG er profit on each rig. That's not "transactional " at all. I know we live in a capitalist system here in America so I understand profit and companies charging enough to stay in business in these crazy times but that is quite the profit margin


Active member
That's why the high volume manufacturers are trying to get in on the "off road" action. Ember, Palomino, any trailer that installs a Curt suspension and calls it "Beast Mode", etc. They all see a chance to charge a premium and goose the profit margin. There weren't any dual axle trailers talking about off road capability back in 2018. Then Black Series started selling bigger units in the US and the trend is taking off.


New member
This here is a cool thread. Best of luck to Kingdom Camping and the Farmer of Trees on the XL, what a beauty so far. If i was in the market for a 21 foot tandem, i know where i would put my interest and likely my money.

And.... If i had a do-over, knowing what i know now, i would go with the ATS over the X22


Active member
Being a new trailer, it will be interesting to see how it performs over the next year. You can do years of research, and believe you've specified every last detail, and the real world can still throw you an exploding curve ball. The X22 seems to have a pretty good resale value. After you go to school on us and if you like the results, you could probably sell the X22 and get an ATS without needing put put up much cash. :)


New member
No doubt. But you've built quite a confidence level with your XL unit base and guessing you arent allergic to wrenches.

Definitely some pros and cons im sure for the ATS (single wheelie) and definitely for the X22 (dual wheelie), but the ATS factory spec'd unit is pretty darn close to exactly what i would want now as opposed to what i didnt know i wanted with my first trailer purchase a few months back being the X22. And 15k less for the ATS (more like 20k less getting the X22 sorted).

The X22 is going to be fantastic I'm sure for hopefully the next 10+ years, TBD. But definitely a lot of fidgeting around with the X22 to meet my minimum functionality requirements that looks to be substantially reduced on the ATS. But hey, maybe that ATS or the XL will come calling sooner than that if i decide to move on from the X22, or perhaps another new comer has the price and options that raise my eyebrows.

Regardless, looking forward to your XL progress, I think it looks like the king shizzle of 21' trailers (price, features, quality) at this particular point in time.


Well-known member
When did this company start producing units?

I really don't think they were around or had a standardized product in that 7x17 layout in 2019.
The dual axle product sure is something!


Active member
They are pretty new. The owner, Jamin Lambright, started working in the RV industry through a program in high school. I think he officially started Kingdom Camping in 2019 and came out with his first units in 2020. This is the first dual axle he's building. He's been around the business long enough that he's very good a sourcing materials and expertise when he needs to. He works with a small team to build each unit and is very hands on. So he's old enough to have been around the business for a while and young enough to work long hours and be excited try new things. In the design stage, he was able to work with just about every idea we threw at him while also coming up with ideas we didn't think of.

He's not high volume, and I don't know if ever wants to be. After mine is done, I think he's planning to build at least two more of the double axle models this year, in addition to the single axle models he already has on order.


Active member
The aluminum welded frame is starting to rise from the chassis. It's hard to see in the photo below, but here is a mock up test lamination of the walls. We're using Crane Composites Noble Select exterior FRP panels (their thickest, premium option) that are fused onto a composite substrate. Everything is wood-free and the color is mixed into the fiberglass rather than being painted on. There will be high density foam between the aluminum studs as well as on the outside and inside of each stud to minimize thermal bridging. The interior will be Azdel (no lauan wood substrate). The walls will be more than 3 1/2 inches thick. They are old school, but should be very effective at keeping us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Having just five reasonably sized double pane windows should also help with our insulation values.

There are A LOT more photos and detail here: Kingdom Camping Build Parts I,II,III,IV


Well-known member
Wow that's some thick walls.

The local dealer says folks should not live full time in thier RVs so what are you guys doing here ? maybe he doesn't know about Kingdom Camping and this bad ******** rig

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