Kind of an off the wall questions.
Comparing your Westy to the FG, do you miss the walk through and "openess" of the westy interior vs. a seperate cab and camper box?
I love my Syncro, but constantly wish it was a little bigger and had a "real" 4x drivetrain. I have been toying with the idea of building sort of a big westy out of an FG or the like. Not really willing to give up the walk through or the forward control.
I have heard many times people saying that a pass through was mandatory, me included, I had all along planned to have a pass through, but just never got to it and now I am not sure that I ever will. In my westy the cab was a main part of the living space, so that is a plus, but for this rig I think it would create a new set of problems, one being an energy efficient camper, I go to all the effort of having my camper made with R14 walls, dual pane windows and then go make a big hole to a cab that has no R value and single pane glass?? So then a door or plug needs to be made and stored, winter and summer to insulate the camper from the cab. Sure is a good point of discussion, many pro's and con's for both, in the end its what "you" really want or must have. If we lived in an area where cold isnt a problem it might be a different story.
I like how you said "I have been toying with the idea of building sort of a big westy out of an FG or the like. " Cause that is what I did, and if you look at a picture of my rig and squint so that everything is a little fuzzy it looks like my old westy!! I did love that thing but like you have stated, it was just too small for us. Okay for a week or two. Now with this rig we have so much more space than the westy and that means way more openess feeling, we were always cramped and hunched over in the westy.
Oh,, and yeah, a pass through with a hard sided lifting top camper gets a little complex!!