Rhode Trip
Nice rig!
I went to the factory web site.
Question: does your rig have a smaller box than what is shown or is the chassis a longer wheelbase.
Is the box removeable to carry a motorcycle.
Where about if RI are you I'm in long Island.
Let me know
Nice photos glad you enjoyed the trips!!
I went to the Outlander website to check, I have not seen it in a while. My trailer is the same as the description, which lists an 'open front cargo area'
The picture shows a trailer with a larger box . That must be an option, but I had not seen it before. The box on my trailer is 4 foot square.
All 3 boxes are removable, but the rack surrounds the box, all heavy steel, as part of the 'cage design' structure. You can't load a motorcycle on there even if you remove the box.
I am at exit 7 on I95 in Coventry, RI... less than 1 hour north of the New London Ferry.
What you could definitely do for a motorcycle is put a hitch hauler type motorcycle carrier cross wise in front of the box. Just so happens, I have one of those for sale as well: http://www.hitchcarriers.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=22&category_id=45&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1