Overland Journal: Discovery I, 5-speed

Scott Brady

The Disco is finished:

I am just now buttoning up a few switchgear items and waiting for the rear Escape Gear seat covers, but the truck is essentially done- I am pleased, and ready to put it to use. I am thinking a trip into Northern Sonora for spring.

The diesel swap is off the table for a few reasons (mainly the J8 siting in the parking lot), but mostly because the V8 only has 80,000 miles on it. I also had a few other ideas for modifications, but have decided to table all of them. None are necessary for what I want the Disco to do.

Returning from the Silk Road a few days ago, the Disco was the first vehicle I drove (though the KTM nearly won that contest). The love was still there - isn't she beautiful?

Scott Brady

Good timing on your question. I have a new Tom Woods rear CV shaft coming on Monday.

When I installed the new diffs, I changed from the Rotoflex to a 4-bolt flange.


Expedition Leader
Good timing on your question. I have a new Tom Woods rear CV shaft coming on Monday.

When I installed the new diffs, I changed from the Rotoflex to a 4-bolt flange.

What is the thinking behind that upgrade, Scott? Is the rotoflex a source/point of failure?

Every time we see a series 1 my wife goes ooh, and Aaaah...lol. Might be adding one to my stable.:D


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The truck came out really nice. I like what you did with it. Very thoughtful upgrades to a purpose built rig.


Expedition Leader
I'm curious too. I just haven't seen them failing that often. I just changed mine pre-emptively at 60,000 miles, 20,000 of which was lifted. The rubber was cracked but otherwise it was ok. Seems like good life to me. I'm much more concerned about the 1300 U-joint in front of it. I changed that as well, and judging by the looks of it, it was much closer to failing than the donut.

Scott Brady

I was indifferent about the Rotoflex until I witnessed one shred apart in Moab on a rock - a mess of wire and rubber. . . I think if you put a skid plate (a few make them) to protect the Rotoflex from rock damage, than it is probably fine.


Expedition Leader
Ok well, I'm carrying my old one as an emergency spare anyway. And in any case, it's not a crippling problem like a rad hose, fan belt of CkPS.

Scott Brady

Yesterday was my first long drive with the Disco and the new gears. 3.90s seem perfect for the set-up I have. It is most noticeable on takoff and cruising in 5th. The gears are stronger than stock and address the slightly larger tires and additional weight. If I had made the decision to keep the V8 earlier, I would probably have installed the 4.14s.


Just here...
I was just wondering. Mine hasnt been there for a long time as its usually the first thing to go. I hate them. Im a British car guy and Triumph LOVED using them instead of joints. They were expensive and wore much to quickly as they really dont allow much articulation in that area. I have one of those skidplates that protects the rear joint there. Its come in handy a couple of times.

Truck looks clean. I look at it and realize that mine will never be that clean. Oh well.

Scott Brady

I have a simple, black steel weld-on unit. It looks just like the Mantec one, which works for me. I will take a picture of it later.

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